The Wicked End

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*Zacky's POV*

Having Jimmy back was... Incredible. We had the time of our lives. Our tradition of going to the bar for a beer continued on, Brian and Jimmy spent most of their time together, Jim was back to beating the shit outta Johnny and Matt was able to hook Jim Jam on golf.

We were in Brian's living room, Brooks, Matt, Brian, Johnny and I sat on the couch while we watched as Jimmy played with the kids. Dimebag and Vinnie were hanging out with Val like they promised her, she wanted to get to know them better.

Jimmy laughed as Nicci, Cash, Tennessee and River pushed him on his back, right down on the carpet. Ozzy giggled as he crawled to Jimmy, putting his hands on his face. Franklin smiled wide as he got up from his seat next to Johnny. He ran over to the others, sitting on Jimmy's stomach. They all laughed as Jimmy played with the kids.

Jimmy gently pushed them off and got to his feet, "Let's play Hide and Seek!"

They all cheered and Jimmy smiled, clapping his hands as he spoke in a funny voice, "Alrighty kiddos, Ozzy and I are going to be a team, since his legs are still too small and he can't exactly... walk. How about that?"

They all agreed as Jimmy picked up the kid. River was going to be the one counting while the others hid. Jimmy ran off, carrying Ozzy as the baby giggled happily. He was really good with kids... Maybe because he was a kid himself.

River counted to twenty then turned to face us, a smile on his face. Matt rose a hand, covering the side of his mouth as he pointed to the kitchen, "In there!"

River nodded and ran off as Matt beamed with pride. Brian rolled his eyes as he hit Matt's shoulder, "You asshole! You're cheating!"

Matt rolled his eyes with a smile, "Oh c'mon, my kids will win this either way."

Brian got up from his seat as he crossed his arms, "Wanna bet?"

Matt got up as well, looking down on Bri ,"I'm listening, Gates."

I sighed as I looked at Brooks, whispering, "What are they even doing?" I got only a shrug in return.

Syn smirked as he told us his idea, "We will go to the park, right now. Well, after they finish their game, I'm an asshole, not a monster. Then, we will go in pairs, Jimmy with Ozzy, Johnny with Franklin, Zacky with Tennessee, you with River-"

In that moment McKenna walked into the house, her eyes went wide when she saw the two men. Brian glanced at her as he continued, "Cash will go with McKenna and I'll go with Nicci. Brooks will be the judge. Whoever wins will... Will have the others cook for them for the forth of July. Deal?"

Matt nodded as they shook hands. McKenna walked to me as she sat down next to me and I wraped an arm around her shoulders,"Alrighty, what did I miss?"

In that very moment, a wild Jimmy ran through the door, sliding across the carpet. He jumped into the air, did a front flip, all while he was holding Ozzy and then he hit the wall with his back, "I win!"

I was going to shit myself. I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes were wide and my hair was white.

However McKenna was even more shocked than me. She squealed as she got up and ran to Jimmy, "Jim!"

Jimmy's eyes went wide and his smile was even bigger,"Kenny! Oh my God, you've grown so much, look at you."

I got up and took Ozzy from Jimmy, making sure he wasn't injured, "Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

He just laughed as he clapped, which calmed me down. He was okay and so was I.

While McKenna and Jimmy had their moment, Val and the Abott brothers walked into the living room. Dimebag smiled as he pushed his hair behind his shoulder, "What's up, guys?"

McKenna's eyes went wild and she slowly pulled back from Jimmy. She turned to look at Jimmy, then back at Dimebag and Vinnie.

Vinnie smiled as he walked over to her, Darrell following, "Hey there, dolly! It's nice to see ya."

Kenna was able to keep her cool as she smiled and gave them hugs, "Hello guys! It's an honor to meet you, really. Dime, you inspired both me and my brother to pick up a guitar and we'll be forever grateful. You Vinnie, are a musical legend as well. You're a beast."

Vinnie smiled as he thanked her, "Thank you so much, I truly appreciate that."

Darrell smiled as he nodded, "Yeah, really, thanks. Since you can play a guitar we will have a battle too, you can't say no. Also, please, call me Darrell, the family of my friends is my family as well."

Brian walked over to them, wrapping an arm around Kenna's shoulders, "Now, sorry to break the sappy moment, but we all need to get going. You up for some time in the park?"


"I win!"

I groaned as I slowly stopped running, putting Tennessee down on the ground. The stupid game of Hide And Seek continued on for a good half an hour and I could really use a shower. My whole body was aching. Fuck, I needed to lose weight. I gasped for air as I looked at Johnny who was throwing up in a bush, Frankie was standing next to his leg, gently petting it as a way to comfort his father.

Of course Brian, being the thin motherfucker that he is, won. He twirled Nicci around as he sang in the most off-key voice he could muster, "We are the champions, we are the champions! No times for losers, 'cause we are the champions! Of the world!"

Matt leant forward as he put his hands on his knees, sweat was falling down from his forehead as he gasped for air, "B-Brooks... Hasn't... Decided... Yet..."

We all turned to Brooks and he sighed. He turned to Dimebag, Vinnie and Val and they started talking quietly. After a few moments, they straightened out and Brooks spoke up, "I'm sorry guys, but Brian is the winner."

Brian laughed as he jumped up and down, even Nicci was glaring at him, "I won! You lost! I won! You lost!"

I rolled my eyes as I turned to the others, "Let's just head back to the cars."

We walked down towards the cars while Brian stood there, "Guys? C'mon wait for me, guys! Hey!"

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