We Come Out At Night

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*Zacky's POV*

I was sound asleep at home when my phone rang, Sad But True blasting through the house. Meaghan glared at me as she handed me my phone, then crossed her arms.

I thanked her and answered the call, bringing the device to my ear, "Johnny, I swear I will kill you."

"Dude, come to my house. Please, come, it has to do with Jimmy, it's important. I already called McKenna, she's on her way. I'll be waiting for you."

Without further explanation he hung up and I sighed. I rubbed my eyes and got up, making Meaghan frown, "What are you doing? "

I sighed yet again as I leant down and kissed her, then took my car keys, "Johnny needs me for something important. He's having an episode, he's been having them since Jimmy died. I'll back in the morning. "

She sighed and nodded, kissing me again," Alright, just... Don't get into a lot of trouble. I know how Johnny can get."

I smiled lovingly as I headed out of the door,"I won't, I promise. I love you."

Just when I got out of the house and walked to my car, I saw a tall man running towards me, a knife in hand and a mask over his face. My eyes went wide as I quickly got in my car and locked the doors. Holy fuck, what is going on?!

Just when I stepped on the gas, the man jumped on the hood of my car. I screamed bloody murder, not caring that I sounded like a girl as I turned the wheel, hoping to get the fucker off of the car. However a few moments later, I heard familiar laughter and the guy disappeared in thin air.

I stopped the car and yelled in frustration, hitting the wheel. Angry tears pricked my eyes as I got out of the vehicle, raising my arms as I screamed, "Come out, James! You fucking asshole! I know you're there somewhere! Show yourself!"

After screaming into thin air for a few minutes, I decided to get back in the car and head off to Johnny's. I'm sure he was getting worried because I was taking my time.

Once I was calmed down enough, I drove to his house, getting there in no time, due to not having any traffic. It was a really relaxed night, even tho I almost got killed by my best friend.

I walked inside, not even bothering to knock since I knew Johnny was alone at home. However, what surprised me was that Johnny started hitting me with an umbrella, "Hey, it's me, you asshole!"

Johnny pulled away the umbrella once he saw it was me, then cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, I thought it was one of them."

I took the umbrella from him and hit him on the back, "Yeah, 'cause you'll be able to get rid of a ghost with an umbrella, you fucker!"

After a small argument, McKenna walked into the hall, shaking her head. She put her hands on her hips and rose an eyebrow," Are you two done? We need to talk. "

Johnny and I fought like a cat and a mouse as we walked to the living room, then sat on the sofa. I looked at Kenna and Johnny as they sat next to me, "Guys, you have no idea what just happened."

Both of them raised an eyebrow, making me continue, "Jimmy attacked me with a knife."

Once these words left my mouth, Johnny was checking me out for any wounds, concern clear on his face, "Are you okay? You hurt? Everything fine?"

I nodded as I slapped his hands away, scoffing, "I'm fine! I promise! It's just that, I get outta the house, it's nearly three in the morning, which is the devil's hour, I start walking to my car, just to see some tall dude, running in my direction with a knife. At first I thought it was some random dude, trying to kill me, so I almost shat myself. I ran into my car, locked the doors and that's when the dude jumped on my hood. I swirled the car around and he just laughed. Once he laughed, I realized it was Jimmy, because you couldn't miss his laugh. And yeah, then he disappeared."

Johnny nodded as he crossed his arms and leant back, "Something like that happened to me today, well, yesterday. I was at McDonald's, ordering food for Frank and I, 'cause I can't cook to save my life. I placed in our orders and then I had the need to pee, so I asked the cashier to watch over my son while I'm in the bathroom. When I was in there, I saw something from behind me staring at me right through the mirror. I looked behind me and saw nothing. When I went to go out, some dude with curly hair and glowing, blue eyes just like Jimmy's was trying to claw his way out of the mirror, then his head just turned around, doing a full circle. "

McKenna frowned as she wrote things down in her notebook, I was glad she was taking notes. She turned to Johnny and rose an eyebrow, "Did he have a beard, by any chance? And was it dyed red? Or maybe pink?"

After a pause, Johnny nodded, "Yeah, he had a beard. In fact he looked a lot like- Holy shit!"

Johnny put his head in his hands and groaned in frustration, "I've always been afraid of Dimebag, why out of all people he had to be the one to haunt me?! He's equally as scary as Bloody Mary, for fuck's sake!"

McKenna laughed, trying to cheer us up, "If Brian was haunted by him, he wouldn't complain. He'd fangirl or something."

I nodded, a small smile on my face. Suddenly the power ran out and Johnny screamed like a girl. After a while, I found my phone and turned on the torch. Johnny was nowhere to be seen and McKenna had a frown on her face. I rose an eyebrow as I looked around, "Where is Johnny?"

She shrugged as she cuddled closer to me, making me wrap an arm around her, "Most likely went to get Franklin. As far as I know, he's afraid of the dark."

Something in the corner of the room caught my eye. I turned around and flashed my phone, but the thing that was written on the wall mad me pull McKenna closer to me.

On the wall with big, sloppy letters was written, " I'll see you soon! "

Fuck me in the ass...

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