Brompton Cocktail

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*Matt's POV *

Dimebag and I were preparing steaks while the others sat on the lawn chairs a few feet away from us, talking and laughing. We were able to find some more chairs which was good, we could all fit on them.

Honestly the guys forgot for a second that deceased men were in our presence, it was like we were friends for years.

Brian nor Jimmy were anywhere to be seen and that's why I was kinda on edge. Darrell sensed that, that's why he stopped for a second and looked at me,"Are you sure Jimmy... Nor Brian are... Y'know? Lil' bit to the left?"

I sighed as I put some salt on the steak, then I hit it with a hammer a few times, "I'm sure, Dimebag. Brian has a kid and is expecting a second, Jimmy had a girlfriend back in the day. They're just... Sorting things out..."

Dimebag nodded as he put the steaks on the grill, "Alrighty... They're really close, am I right? James was talking about you guys all the time, but mostly about Brian."

After a pause I nodded, speaking up, "Yeah... Both of them had siblings, however they loved each other more than they loved their family. They've known each other since... Seventh grade, I think? I'm not sure, but we all grew up together. However, these two guys, they would kill for each other.

"One time, Brian went to jail because he got in a fight with some dude that tried to drug Jimmy. I mean yeah, when we were in our youth we smoked weed from time to time, had an oxi but that guy tried to kill Jimmy. They hated each other from high-school and somehow we ended in the same party right after we graduated. Brian saw with his own eyes how that dude mixed up his drink. The drugs were enough to kill an elephant, how he got his hands on them was and still is beyond me. Anyways Brian saw him and he was mad, really mad. The fight went on for ten to fifteen minutes, it was... It wasn't a pleasant sight. Anyways, both were sent into the hospital to get fixed up and then escorted to jail.

"Brian only got like, seventy-two hours while that asshole got like, five-six years, maybe more, because Brian was taken in for defense while that dude was actually a druggie. The drugs plus attempted murder... You probably get it."

I sighed as I readjusted my snapback, "And to know that Jimmy died of brompton cocktail... Years after that happened and years after we wrote a song with the same title... I-I don't wanna talk about it."

Dimebag gave me a sad look but I ignored it. I sighed as I put the steaks on a plate, most of the food was done.

We heard footsteps and laugher. We all turned our heads to the direction of the voices and I couldn't help but smile when I saw Brian and Jimmy, walking side by side. Jimmy had his arm wrapped around Brian's shoulders and Brian had his arm wrapped around Jim's waist. Brian's eyes were bright and his smile was bigger than ever.

Jimmy sat on a lawn chair and Brian went to put away his duffel bag, then he made his way to us.

However he stopped dead in his tracks when it hit him. Dimebag Darrell was a few feet away from him.

Just to make the situation even more amusing, Darrell spoke up, "Oh, Brian! It's such an honor to see you, man. C'mere!"

The look on Brian's face was priceless. He walked towards us and Dimebag wrapped him up in a hug. It was amazing, Bri looked like a kid in a candy shop, I'm positive I could see his knees were shaking.

After they had their moment and Brian chatted with us for a while, he walked back to the others. He went to sit on a chair, however Jimmy grabbed his arm and pulled him on his lap. Brian didn't seem fazed at all, he just started talking to everyone. Dimebag looked at me and rose his eyebrows, making me chuckle and shake my head.

Darrell and I finished off with the food and we put it on plates, grabbing plastic forks as we did so. We made our way to the guys, sitting down and handing them the food.

I smiled as I looked at Jimmy, "Now, how about you tell us a story of your amazing adventures?"

Jimmy grabbed a piece of meat, not bothering with a fork as he spoke up, "Guess who I had sex with."

I rolled my eyes, of course he wanted to brag about something like that, "Who?"

He smirked as he put at arm around Brian's waist, putting his chin on Bri's shoulder as he chewed, "The chick from The Beast And The Harlot video. She overdosed a few years ago."

Their jaws hit the floor, Brian turning to look at Jim Jam as he rose his eyebrows. Jimmy nodded as he smiled, "Yep. She's really good tho, let me tell ya that."

Darrell rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Aren't you going to tell 'em how you met Kilmister?"

Zacky shook his head as he smiled, "You met Lemmy! Tell us more, man!"

He laughed as he nodded, "Alright. It was the day he died. I was actually at Matt's house when I heard the news, I was playing with Cash-"

"Wait, what? You're serious? " My eyes went wide as I leant back in my chair. "What the fuck, man?"

He just waved his hand, continuing on, "That's when Darrell texted me and he told me to head to the bar in Bat Country. I went there, following the mass of people that were there and that's when I saw him. Lemmy was standing there, drinking something strong as he stood by the bar. Dimebag and Cliff, yes Johnny, the Cliff you think I'm talking about, he's actually the boss. Anyway, they were by his side, drinking and talking.

"I headed over and had the privilege to talk to him. We're actually really good friends now. From then, the rest is history."

Johnny smiled as he nodded, "Nice! Tell us another story, Jimmy!"

We all spoke up, agreeing. Jimmy smiled as he nodded, taking another bite of his steak, "Alright, alright... One day, Cliff and I decided it was a good idea to walk down to the depths of Hell..."

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