Dancing Dead

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I sighed as we parked the car in front of Brian's house, "Man, this week definitely was eventful."

Darrell chuckled as we all got out of the car, "Yeah, it really was. I don't think I'll ever forget this."

We all walked inside and Pinkly started barking, moments later she ran in our direction. Crouching down, I grabbed the ball of fluff and smiled as she licked my face and kicked her legs around. Vinnie ruffled her fur before he and Darrell made their way to further into the house.

I followed them, stepping into the living room. Brian was sat on the ground, his acoustic in his lap as he played and sang songs from I thought was Disney movies while Nicci sat in front of him and looked at him with interest, " 'Cause there's nothing like seein' each other again, no matter what the distance between. And the stories that we tell will make you smile, oh it really lifts my heart."

He made a goofy face while he continued to sing, still not realising we were just behind him,"So tell 'em all I'm on my way, new friends and new places to see! And to sleep under the stars and could ask for more, with the moon keeping watch over me!"

Vinnie was laughing guietly, Darrell wasn't any better while I was actually beaming with pride. Brian continued to sing, however Nicci was laughing at Darrell, who was mimicking Brian.

Soon enough Bri looked over his shoulder and the look on his face was priceless. We all started laughing so hard, my stomach was starting to hurt.

Getting off the ground, holding Nicci on his hip with one arm and holding the guitar by its neck with the other one, he scoffed, "Assholes."

Dime, Vinnie and I walked outside, still laughing. Matt raised an eyebrow as he swam to the egde of the pool, a smile on his face, "What's up with you, dickheads?"

Dime took off his shirt and jumped in the pool while I spoke up, "Brian was singing a song from Brother Bear to Nicci. You had to see that fucker!"

M laughed as he nodded, "Oh yeah, I've seen it. Trust me, Zacky's even worse, I caught him singing Circle Of Life from Lion King!"

By now we were laughing hysterically. Brooks appeared from underwater, somewhere close to Matt and he spoke up, "Kelly used to sing songs from Lion King too when the guys were younger. They hated it."

The door opened and all of the kids ran outside, jumping into the pool and attacking Matt. He started laughing as he got away from them and they all started playing 'Tag, you're it'. Brian walked outside, carrying Monroe in his arms. She had a resting bitch face on, her dark brown hair was a mess and her outfit consisted of a pink tutu and a pink bow on her head. You could tell that she was Brian's child from miles away.

Meaghan walked out carrying Ozzy. His blonde hair was all over the place and his green eyes were wide as he giggled. He wore a small Ramones shirt and black pants, it was adorable.

Meaghan put him in my arms as she smiled, "Can you watch over him? I don't want to miss one of the last warm days before Christmas. It's weirdly hot this time of the year, but I'm not complaining."

I nodded as I put Pinkly on the ground and hugged him, making him giggle. Meaghan jumped into the pool and joined the kids who were trying to drown Matt.

The others walked out as well and Johnny sat next to me on the ground by the pool while Zacky and the girls gave out beers. After the beers were given out, Zacky grabbed his son from me and went to find a seat. Johnny bumped his shoulder into mine and I smiled before I grabbed him by his hair and pulled him into the pool with me.

It was peaceful and I enjoyed my time with my family. I looked at everyone, they were all having conversations and enjoying themselves. After a moment, I spoke up, "Guys... I have something to say."

They all turned to me, so I started speaking, "Soon, Darrell, Vinnie and I will have to return back to Bat Country. The time we spent with you was amazing and it made me realize how much I missed you. It was just like the old times. However, now it was even better, because I have nephews and a beautiful niece. My life is complete.

"We will leave sooner than planned, boss's orders. However, know that we will always watch over you. We will always stay by your side. One time, we all will be reunited, for an eternity. We will have the best time of our lives, I promise you.

"I love you all. This is all I want to say."

Before I could react, Brian tackled me in a hug, almost drowning me in the process. I hugged him back as I smiled, I literally crushed him in my arms.

I didn't want to leave. However knowing that I'll see them again made things better.

After a pause, Brian spoke up, "I love you. I haven't told you enough. You're... You're my everything. I'm so lucky to have you in my life and I'm very thankful that you're here, with me, even if you're gone. We will make Hell freeze one day, brother. I promise you."

Pulling back, I put my forehead against his as I smiled wide, staring into his eyes. After we stared at each other he pulled back and splashed me with water, "Hey, don't be like that, I'm just waiting for ya to kiss me."

A smirk made it's way on my face and I opened my arms, "Come to Mama!"

A horrified look made it's way on his face and he started swimming away with me hot on his trails. Everyone was laughing while Brian was screaming, "This is rape! Mich! Mich, call the police! Rape! Rape!"

I jumped on his back, taking him underwater with me. He screamed, bubbles of air getting out of his mouth and nose, and making their way to the surface.

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