A Little Piece Of Heaven

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"Dime! Dime!"

The tall guitarist sighed, scratching his chin, "What's up, James? I'm kinda busy over here."

I made my way to him and rose an eyebrow when I saw him mixing up his drink. I shrugged and turned to look at him, "I... I wanted to see the guys... Can I go visit them?"

He sighed, shaking his head,"Oh kid, you never learn... It's been one month, you should know by now that you can't visit them. "

I frowned as I pushed my glasses up my nose,"But Dime... I'm worried for Brian, I wanna know if he's still missing-"

Dimebag slammed the bottle of whiskey on the counter and gritted his teeth, "You're dead. He's alive. You're apart and you're never going to be together again. It's for the best of you just let it be." He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, "Honestly I don't know why Cliff put me with you... That's the worst punishment."

I bit the inside of my cheek and turned on my heels, leaving the kitchen. Walking into the basement, I passed through my door, leaving the building and disappearing into my section.

The place we were at was something like heaven, but even better. There was this main building that looked like a hotel that's taken straight outta the middle of Las Vegas.

There were countless doors in the basement, that led to different sections. Everybody had their own "little piece of heaven", so to speak. Mine looked exactly like my favorite spots in Huntington Beach, however the guys weren't here to make it feel like home.

There was a good thing about the whole situation. If you chose, or most of the time if you were young, or you didn't belong in either hell or heaven, you got sent here. You have your own apartment, sometimes you have to share it. Also, you have a TV where you could watch your close ones, to see if they're okay. The best part about it all was that you could still wander the world and visit them.

I walked through the park, my hands in my pockets as I huffed. I missed the guys so much, it was unreal. They needed me, yet I left them. I couldn't forgive myself.

I sat by the fallen tree, leaning my back against it. I sighed as I looked out into the pond, watching as ducks swam around. I didn't even feel the urge to chase them, yet I did it all the time when I was still... Alive.

Sometimes it felt weird. My room at the hotel looked so much like my bedroom that sometimes I forgot I was a deceased man. I'd wake up, grab my phone, dial Brian's phone and wait. However, after the tenth ring I'd realize that he'd never pick up.

I looked into the distance where the gates to our afterlife were. My section was really close to the portal. People were passing through every other minute, sometimes they passed alone, other times they had their friend or loved one with them, or their friends sat and waited for them on the other side.

I watched as I took a drink from the bottle of whiskey I had hid under a bush. Wiping the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand, I glanced to the side when I heard footseps.

Darrell sat next to me, propping his elbows against his knees as he leaned back, "Hey man."

I nodded as I greeted him, offering him the bottle. He took it and took a swig, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the burn.

After a moment of silence, Dime spoke up as he gave me back the bottle, "Y'know, my biggest fear is to see a friend of mine or my brother pass through these gates one day. I've been here for six years and every time I come here, I shake with fear."

I nodded as I continued to look straight forward, "Was my section here when you came?"

He nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Yeah, it was. We all have our futures figured out. This section was made before you were even born. Your brothers' sections are made as well, but you can't see them, because they're not activated. They start working one week before their death."

I nodded as I took another swig. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, "Do you... Do you miss your brothers?"

After a pause, he nodded with a sigh, "Every single day. Especially Vinnie and Phil. Yeah, I love Rex and I surely miss him, but Vinnie was my true blood brother. And Phil... I wish our final goodbye didn't go the way it did."

I nodded in understanding as I scratched my chin, "I understand... I'm so sorry man. At least my last moments with the guys were filled with laughter."

He shrugged as he looked at me, a sad smile on his face, "Y'know Jimmy, you're not that bad. I'm sorry I treated you the way I did."

I smiled as I nodded, "You're not bad yourself Dime... If Brian was here, he'd flip his shit. You were his favourite, he loved you. I remember growing up and listening to his rants about how talented you are."

We both laughed and Dime shook his head, "Well, when he gets up here I'll make sure to give him an autograph."

After a pause, he turned to me and pat my shoulder, "It's for the best if you don't see him right now... He's not in the best shape. He was here a few hours ago." He pointed to the one of the bushes and nodded his head, "Look under that bush."

I got up and lifted the branches. A frown appeared on my face when I saw three bags of oxi. I shook my head and took them, making Dimebag frown, "What are you doing?"

I put the plastic bags into my pocket and shrugged, "From now on I consider myself his guardian angel. He just stopped taking drugs, a few years ago. I won't let him go back to that habit."

Darrell nodded as he got up, dusting off his pants, "Well, okay. I'll let you be. Now let's go, it's starting to get depressing."

I chuckled and followed him as we headed back to the door. Before he opened the door, he turned to me and smiled sadly, "You'll see your brothers and sisters one day. Before they die. You're just not ready yet, neither are they. Give yourself some time and cut 'em some slack."

I nodded and smiled back, "Okay. Now let's go, I wanna try your famous drink."


The next day Brian returned to the secret spot... However, just as he reached under the bush, he frowned when he noticed his drugs were nowhere to be seen...

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