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*Matt's POV*

After a few hours of cleaning Brian's house, the house was decent and it didn't smell of alcohol. I took off my shirt and wiped the sweat from my forehead with it, then sighed, "Oh damn, we're done."

Johnny nodded as he laughed a bit, "Well, at least if the band doesn't work out we could always start a cleaning company."

Zacky laughed as he shook his head, "You've gotten high from the chemicals of the washing shit."

Brooks laughed along then shook his head, "You kids are crazy. I'm gonna head off now."

Zacky and Johnny who were still laughing nodded, Zacky speaking up, "We will head off too."

After we bid each other farewell, I grabbed my shirt and trotted upstairs to the laundry room. After throwing it in the washing machine, along with the other dirty clothes, I started it and left the room.

I walked upstairs and quietly opened Brian's door. He was sleeping soundly, holding a pillow to his chest. I smiled and shook my head, grabbing my duffel bag. I left the room, closing the door quietly behind my back and making my way downstairs.

I walked into the guest bedroom, throwing my bag on the bed. I took out a pair of underwear and basketball shorts, then walked into the bathroom.

After I put my clothes on the sink counter, I undressed myself and made my way into the shower cabin. After the water was the right temperature, I moaned when the water hit my back.

Sighing in content as I rolled my shoulders, I started to wash myself. After I washed my hair and body, I closed my eyes and leant my forearms against the wall, then stood like that for a few minutes.

I heard the door open and shrugged, the glass was foggy so Brian couldn't see me. However I rose an eyebrow when I saw a finger press against the glass as they started writing on it. I quickly covered myself with my hands and held my breath.

After they wrote whatever they wanted, they laughed as they left. I waited a few moments before quickly turning off the shower and getting out.

A frown appeared on my face when I saw what was written.

C'mere you fucking bitch

I put on my underwear and basketball shorts, then left the bathroom. I made my way upstairs, taking two stairs at a time until I reached the third storey. Walking into Brian's room, I saw him sitting on the bed as he rubbed his eyes.

He raised an eyebrow when he saw me, "What's up, Shadz?"

I chuckled nervously as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Y'know, I actually believe you now about the whole Jimmy thing."

He got up, scratching his chin, "Why? What happened?"

I mentioned for him to follow me and we both walked downstairs. I walked into the bathroom, Brian right behind me. He frowned as he saw what was written on the foggy glass, trails of water were slowly making their way down from the edges of the letters.

I looked at him and shrugged, "Now we all have had a message from Jimmy."

He sighed as he nodded, "I guess so... Do you think he'd hurt us?"

I didn't have to think twice before I spoke up, "No, not really. It's Jimmy were taking about, he wouldn't hurt a fly. He's just messing around with us."

We stood there like idiots, watching as the fog slowly disappeared. After a while, I turned to face Bri, "I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat."

After I put on a shirt and some socks and my shoes from earlier, Brian and I got in his car. He insisted that I drove, because he wasn't in the best state of mind.

I drove downtown and we ended up in the same shop where I took River earlier. It was nearing eight, however I knew it was still working.

Brian and I got out of the car, then walked inside. Just like how I have thought, Paul was still behind the counter. He smiled at me and his smile got bigger when he noticed I had brought someone with me, "Oh, Matthew, I see you brought a friend! How are you, Junior?"

Brian smiled as they shook hands, "I'm fine, it's nice to see you again."

I smiled at Paul as I put my hands in my pockets, "Mister Williams, can you please make us two of your special sandwiches? You can join us, we need to catch up!"

The older man smiled as he walked to the fridge, "We sure do! Grab yourselves drinks from the cooler, your sandwiches will be ready soon."

Brian and I did as told, both of us grabbing cans of coke and walking outside. We sat on the table and opened our cans as we waited for our food.

Bri smiled sadly as ran his fingertips over the surface of the wooden table. I frowned a bit as I looked at him and he noticed it. He looked down at the table then back at me as he slowly removed his hands. That's when I noticed it.


"Hey punks, do you want more cokes?"

"Yes Mister Williams, thank you!"

Jimmy brought a cigar to his lips and lit it up. A spark flew to his hair and he screeched as he shook his head, making us laugh.

He smirked as he grabbed his duffel bag, throwing his lighter in there. Taking out his drumsticks, he threw the duffel bag back next to his leg, after he took out a small pocket knife.

Zacky took a sip of his "coke" which had more whiskey in it than coke, then he spoke up, "So Jimmy, when are we working on the science project we have? That's due to like, tomorrow? We haven't even started it."

Jimmy shrugged as he just continued on with drumming away on the table, waiting for his drink, "I-I don't care, man. I'll be a rockstar, I don't need that scientific bullshit."

Mister Williams laughed as he brought a tray with cokes, however, I knew coke wasn't the only thing that was in the bottle, "Kid, you'll need more than just the skills you've got, y'know."

After he put the tray down, he narrowed his eyes at us, "Keep quiet, or else I'll go to jail. Have fun kids."

Once Mister Williams was back in the shop, Jimmy smirked and pulled out his knife. He started carving into the wooden table, a smile on his face as the cigarette dangled from his lips.

Brian smiled in amusement as he shook his head, "Mister Williams will kill you."

James chuckled as he looked at him, "Hey, one day, when I'm famous, he will thank me."

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