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*Jimmy's POV*

I laid on the lounge chair, holding Monroe close to my chest. Kissing the top of her head, I gently drummed my fingers on her back. Dimebag sat on a lounge chair next to me as he looked at the baby that slept in my arms, "She's so tiny..." Then he laughed as he shook his head, "Fuck, she has Brian's stupid nose."

I looked down at her and laughed quietly. She looked exactly like Brian, she had small freckles, she was so tiny, just like her skinny ass father.

Speak of the devil, Brian swam to the egde of the pool, running his fingers  through his hair, "Hey, Darrell, will you take care of the kids? Cash, River and Tennessee are not a problem but Franklin and Nicci have to be watched."

At that moment, Vinnie ran out of the house and jumped into the pool. Brian sighed as he wiped his face, getting rid of the water in his eyes, "I guess Vinnie's got it covered."

He hauled himself out of the water, sitting cross legged on the ground by the pool as Darrell gave him his towel, "Where are the others?"

I shrugged as I continued to cuddle Monroe, "The girls are in the gym, your wife wants to get fit, even tho she doesn't need it. Matt, Zacky, Johnny and Brooks are on their way."

Brian frowned as he dried off, "Matt lives two minutes away from me... Why are they taking so long?"

After he was satisfied, he put the towel by his legs as he opened his arms, "Give me my baby."

I chuckled as I sat up and gave him his daughter. Brian's smile instantly became bigger when his girl looked up at him, "Hey, babygirl. Love, how are you, huh?"

The back door opened and the others walked out. I smiled as one idea popped into my head while the others got in the pool, it was a surprisingly hot day for it being almost winter, "Hey guys, think you can survive without me, Dimebag and Vinnie for a few days?"

The guys all looked at me, even Dimebag and Vinnie were frowning. I flattened my mouth a little in Dimebag's direction and he nodded, playing along, "Yeah, we have some shit to take care of.

He got up and stood right by my side, Vinnie hauled himself out of the pool and walked to us. Brian raised an eyebrow as Nicci sat in his lap while he still held Monroe close, "How long will you be gone for?"

Glancing at Dimebag, I nodded, "A week. It shouldn't be long. We all have... Unfinished business. I promise we will be back."

I mentioned for Vinnie and he nodded. With a snap of his fingers, we were back in my house. Dimebag crossed his arms over his chest, "What's gotten into your head, Jimbo?"

I rolled my eyes, picking up on the fact that he called me by the name my nephews called me, "You'll see, pack a duffel bag and get in the car. It's a surprise."

The Abott brothers looked at each other, then shrugged and walked away. I smirked as I grabbed the car keys and made my way to out the vechile.


"No way."

I laughed quietly as I parked in front of Phil's house. My smile faded when I saw the tears in their eyes.

Dimebag took a deep breath as he shook his head, "I can't do this. I-I fucking can't."

Turning over in my seat, I looked at Vinnie and Darrell. I gave them a reassuring nod before I spoke up, "You can do this. I will be right by your side. As far as I know Rex is here too. They won't remember a thing right after you walk out of the door."

After a pause, Dimebag groaned, "Let's do this."

With a snap of my fingers, we appeared in a hall. I could hear Phil and Rex talking and I looked at the guys. I gave them a nod and turned invisible. Vinnie rolled his eyes and started walking towards the direction of the voice, but Darrell hissed, "Hey!"

Phil and Rex became silent, they probably heard something was going on. Vinnie lost his footing as he looked over his shoulder, then he ran into a shelf, "Son of a bitch!"

He stood motionless. After a pause, Phil spoke up, "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah. Who the hell are you?"

There were footsteps and before we could react, Phil's head popped around the corner. His face stood emotionless before he spoke up, "Rex... Be a champ and come 'ere for a sec."

He came into the hallway, Rex just by his side. His face, however showed fear, excitement and confusion all together, "P-Phil?"


"Do you see them too?"


They all stood like that until they finally realized what was going on. Rex was hugging Vinnie tightly in an instant, tears rolling down his face, Vinnie wasn't any better. Phil's face scrunched up as he tried to control his emotions, "D-Darrell?"

Darrell was motionless. However, tears fell freely down his face. He sobbed out, a few moments later he nodded, "I'm here."

With that, both men took big steps and they hugged each other tightly. Phil ran his fingers through Darrell's hair as he sobbed, "I-I'm so sorry f-for e-everything."

Dimebag shook his head as he took fistfuls of Phil's shirt, "Oh, I-I ne-never even w-was mad. T-There's nothing t-to be s-sorry a-about."

Phil pulled back, but kept Darrell at an arms length, "I s-s-shouldn't have said the things I said. I c-can't forgive m-myself. Why did you h-have to go?"

Then he looked at Vinnie and Rex who stood side by side, one arm wrapped around the other's waist, "V-Vinnie, why did you l-leave as well? You b-both left u-us all alone."

Vinnie let go of Rex and hugged Phil as well, "Our time was up. We just h-had to go. But I promise you, Phil, Rex." He looked at his younger brother with a smile, giving him an encouraging nod. Darrell took a deep breath before he shot Phil and Rex an  attempted smile, "Rex, Phil. Brothers. We're in something even better than heaven. You have your own places too. However, you have to wait. It's not your time yet."

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