Bat Country

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*Matt's POV *

"Where the fuck are we?"

I couldn't remember most of the journey. We were speeding down a highway, in the direction of Las Vegas. For some strange reason, there weren't any cars.

Then before we knew it, everything went white and the ground started shaking.

When we opened our eyes, we were in a huge, endless city that looked like a mixture of Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York. There were lots of people, all of them looked familiar and young, even if some of them died when they were old.

We got out of the car and I looked around. There was a pub, a tall building that looked exactly like Empire State building, a park that looked exactly like the one in Huntington. There were tall buildings somewhere in the distance, I could also see a forest. A flock of ducks flew past us, which made me frown. I glanced at Brian and he shrugged, then went back to looking around.

Vinnie and Dimebag helped Jimmy out of the car and I could feel my heart breaking. His eyes were dull and his lips were parted as he leant on Dime for support. He could barely stand.

Darrell sighed as he steadied Jimmy a but more, "Alright, this ain't gonna work. Someone has to carry him."

Brian stepped up, making his way to them, "I used to carry him home when we were kids and we got drunk. Let me."

If the occasion wasn't so dark, I most likely would've laughed. Jimmy was six foot four and Brian was five foot eleven...

Vinnie and Dimebag started walking and we followed. On our way we passed Freddie and Dio, who were playing cards. Freddie smiled and damn, his teeth were even bigger in person, "Welcome gentlemen. Dimebag, dear, I see you've got a bit of an... Issue. Is that James?"

Jimmy just waved a hand as he said in a hoarse voice, "Ju-just drunk."

Vinnie turned to Freddie and Dio, "Where's Cliff?"

Dio took a gulp of his beer as he eyed us, Freddie spoke up after he took a drag of his cigarette, "He's in the office. He was really worried, wouldn't tell us about the situation though."

He nodded his thanks, then we started walking again. On our way, a Harley Davidson passed us and we heard the familiar, "What's up, fuckers?!"

This had to be Lemmy. That's when it hit me, Lemmy and Jimmy died on the same day. Weird.

We walked into the huge skyscraper and it looked like a hotel on the inside. We were in the lobby, which looked like a mixture of a pub and an actual lobby.

Kurt waved from behind the information desk as he shot us a smile, "Hey hey! What are you motherfuckers doing here? I thought you'd be downstairs for another year or so. Also, what are these guys doing here? Didn't they have like, another good fifty years?"

Brian looked at me as he whispered, "Is he talking about us?"

Kurt rolled his eyes as he took a drag of what looked like weed, "Yeah, man, I'm talking 'bout 'cha."

Brian gulped as he nodded, "Alright. Cool."

Dimebag just rolled his eyes and walked away, with us following. We walked to the elevator and got inside.

Vinnie turned to us as he crossed his arms, "So, how are you doing so far? I remember I was... Shook, as kids nowadays say, when I first got here."

Brooks nodded as he looked around, "It's kinda... Weird. Interesting, but weird."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Brian gently readjusted Jimmy who held onto him for dear life. He coughed, then put his head on his best friend's shoulder.

Dimebag opened the fifth door to the left as he shot us an attempted smile, "Welcome home."

He turned to Brian as he sighed, "Put Jimmy on his bed. His room is the first one on the right."

Brian nodded and disappeared into the apartment. Vinnie closed the door behind him and he turned to face us, "Let's head to Cliff's office. "

Before we could walk outside, the door to Jimmy's room opened and Brian's head popped out, "I'll... I'll stay back with Jimbo."

I nodded and he nodded back. With that, the door closed yet again.


*Brian's POV*

I sat on the edge of Jimmy's bed, "Let me. You're way too hot, you're sweating. You have a fever."

I took off his T-shirt, throwing it on the ground. His eyes were closed, however I was kinda calm because his chest continued to rise and fall.

After a moment, without opening his eyes, he spoke up, "Bri Bri?"

I nodded as I moved a bit closer to him,"Yes, Jimbo?"

"You're being gay. Stop it... I k-know you're about to cry.

I sighed as I shook my head, "You stop it. I have all rights to act sappy. You're... You're going to leave me again. I got you back, I wouldn't be able to live if I lose you again, Jimbo."

He sighed as he licked his lips, "You never learn, Brian... You never learn... What have I told you about the 'what if's'?"

I wiped my eyes as I took a deep breath, "I can't help it... I'm scared."

"I'm already dead, nothing worse's gonna happen."

I shook my head, but I kept quiet. After a second, he spoke up again, "Bri? "

I nodded as I wiped my eyes yet again, "Yes, Jim Jam?"

"Sing for me, please. I need to hear your voice again."

I nodded as I took a deep breath. He opened his palm and I took a hold of his hand. After a few short moments of silence, my voice rang through the air, "There's something in your eyes, a part of me that I recognize. I wanna let you know, we'd be there if we could and it's alright. You taught me how to feel. It's no wonder I'd do anything, tell me why'd you have to go, with the worst to come lost the best I know, time - seems like we lost it all..."

He sighed as a ghost of a smile made his way to his lips, "Beautiful... Who wrote this song?"


"Who was the muse for this masterpiece?"

"... You."

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