Mad Hatter

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*Zacky's POV*

Brian had become pretty much emotionless by now. He barely spoke, when he did it was short sentences. He drank most of the time and he drank a lot. It was sad, really. Michelle was trying to keep Nicolangelo out of his reach, because she was afraid. She was worrying way too much, which was bad. She was carrying a kid, which meant she shouldn't worry at all.

I sighed as my phone started ringing. It was Matt, which meant it was something to do with Brian, seeing as he was living with him for the time being. I answered the call and brought the phone to my ear, "What is it, Matt? I swear if it's Brian again, I'll beat the shit outta him."

A nervous chuckle left his mouth which made me sigh again. God, I felt like I was going to disappear from sighing so much, " Well, I guess I should hang up then... "

Groaning I ran a hand over my face as I shook my head," What did he do now, Jesus Christ?! "

" Well, you see, apparently, he kind of... Ugh, okay, he beat me up while I was sleeping- "

I shot out of the bed, making Meaghan raise an eyebrow, "He what? Are you okay? I'm on my way over now."

" Yeah, I'm fine. I actually have a black eye and a busted lip, but otherwise I'm good. He was already drunk so I was able to knock him out with one punch. Michelle and Valary don't know about any of this and I'd like to keep it that way, because I kinda wanna live. "

I turned to Meaghan and kissed her forehead as she breast-fed our child, "Baby, I need to head out. I promise I'll explain later, just not now, okay? I love you, mi amore."

" Tell her I love her too! "

I laughed as I rolled my eyes, "Matt loves you too."

She giggled as she kissed me back, "Alright baby, be safe. I love you two too."

I quickly ran downstairs, putting on my shoes, "I'm on my way. Where is Brian now?"

" Oh, I took off my belt and tied his hands behind his back, then threw him in the bathtub. It was kinda kinky and I didn't like it. "

I heard the very familiar sound of a lighter and I narrowed my eyes as I got in the car, "Matt, are you smoking?"

There was a pause on the other end, "I'm not smoking, you're smoking. "

I groaned as I turned left and continued to drive, I lived really close to Brian,"Dude, you haven't smoked in five years! Your voice was all fucked up a few months ago, why are you doing this to yourself?"

I heard some yelling and Matt sighed on the other end," I'm sorry Zee, but I gotta hang up, the demon has been awaken. "

With that, he hung up. I sighed as I shoved my phone in my pocket, then stopped the car in Brian's driveway. Getting out of it, I could hear the screaming from the outside. This was going to be fun.

I walked inside and to the master bathroom, where Brian was all tied up, in the bathtub. Water was dropping from his clothes and his hair. His teeth were clenched and he glared at Matt, and now me.

Matt glanced at me as he took a drag off of the cigarette in-between his lips. I sighed and decided to ignore him for now, however I did notice his busted lip and black eye.

I walked to Brian and punched him, hard. So hard his head turned to the side and hit the wall. He groaned as he looked at me, "What - What the fuck, Zack?!"

I grabbed him by his collar, screaming in his face. I was mad, really mad, "You fucker! Get your shit together. You're turning into a drunk! You've pushed away your wife! You've pushed away your family, your kid! You're pushing us away! Stop being so childish. You're not the only one that's going through a middle-life crisis. Stop being so selfish. There are people that love you, that care for you. Now, Matt and I are going back to our families. To our wives and kids. You're going to stay here. Sometime tomorrow, we will come by to release you. Good night. "

Brian screamed as he shook his head,"No, n-no! Don't leave me! Please, don't!"

I looked at Matt and made him follow me. He shook his head, but left with me. I closed the door behind us and shut off the light. Brian screamed, however we ignored it. He had to know how much he hurt us.

Matt tried to keep up with me as I walked down the stairs, "Wait, are we actually going to leave him here?"

I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands, staying silent. After a few minutes, I spoke up, "No. Give him some time. Two hours are enough to freak you out when it's pitch black and your hands are tied. He just needs to suffer for a bit."

I felt the couch sink in and the sound of the lighter made me pull my head from my hands. I glared at Matt as a cigarette dangled from in-between his lips, "I'll slap you."

Matt raised his hands in surrender before he took a drag, then pulled the cigar away, exhaling the toxic smoke, "Well, at least I'm not getting drunk all the time."

I groaned as I shook my head, "You don't understand, Matt! I'm going through pretty much the same thing you and Brian are. Also, you two only got messages and notes from the guy. Johnny was attacked in a fucking bathroom and I was attacked in my sleep. Brooks has been seeing Jimmy in his sleep every fucking night! You two get the minor things and here you are, all freaked out. "

I got up from the coach and put my hands in my pockets, "Release him after a half an hour. I'll go home to my wife and my two kids, because that's the only thing that's keeping me sane. Goodnight. "

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