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*Jimmy's POV*

I wiped my eyes as I looked out of the window. It was a chilly, September morning and I was the only one at my house. Darrell and Vinnie were in Matt's house with everyone else while I decided to stay behind. A lot has been on my mind recently.

We were leaving in three months. However in the last three months that I spent with the guys, I haven't visited my family once.

Did they miss me as much as I missed them? Did they still remember me? Did I still cross their minds?

My eyes filled with tears as I held my fingertips to my lips, closing my eyes. I quickly wiped my eyes when I heard the front door open, followed with the raspy voice I knew all too well, "Jimmy? Where are you, man?"

I cleared my throat as I turned to the sink, grabbing a glass and filling it with water, "I-In here, brother."

I heard footsteps and then Matt appeared, "Hey dude, what's up? I took the kids to school and when I came back, you weren't there. Is everything okay, buddy?"

I took a sip of my water as the first few tears slipped, however I kept my back to Matt. I was way too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. However the second I put my now empty glass down, I had to raise a hand and wipe away my tears. Matt, of course, noticed my discomfort.

He made his way to me, his eyebrows furrowed together as a concerned frown appeared on his face, "Jimbo, what's wrong?..."

I cleared my throat as I wiped away my eyes, "I just... Fuck, I-I'm going to sound like a fucking faggot, but I miss my family, okay? I wanna see mom, dad... Katie and Kelly. Fuck, it's been almost ten years."

Matt smiled sadly as he put a hand on my shoulder, "You never know. Maybe you will see them again sooner than you think. Don't worry, Jimbo."

I nodded as I calmed down. Giving him a hug, I slapped his back, "Man, am I going to miss you..."

He hugged back as he laughed, "Hey, you'll still visit us, I know that."

When I stayed silent, Matt pulled back, "Right?"

When he was yet again met with silence, he pulled back completely as his face twitched in anger, "James! You can't leave after you just got back!"

I sighed as I ran a hand through my face, "Look, I already broke the rules after I let you go down in Bat Country with me. I shouldn't have d-done that. I have no choice but to-"

"What?" Matt stood back as he snapped angrily, shrugging his hands in the air before he continued, "What, James?!"

"I have to delete your memory!"

His eyes widened as he stood motionless. My chest heaved up and down as I spoke up again, this time calmly, "I have to delete your memory. You will feel more at ease, like you've mourned properly, however you won't remember that any of these six months happened. Well, at least the parts you spent with Darrell, Vinnie and the citizens of Bat Country. You'll think that you spent the last few months at home, preparing for your new album, as your plans were earlier this year."

Matt looked at the ground as he clenched his jaw. I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair, "This' for the best, Matt."

After a pause, Matt spoke up, "Fine. But promise me something."

I nodded as I looked at him, crossing my arms over my chest as he continued, "Once we all die, you'll wait for us."

I nodded as I rolled my eyes, uncrossing my arms, "That's obvious. Of course I will wait for you, when your times comes I will wait for you with open arms, right in front of the gate. I swear on all that I have and all that I love. That's a fucking promise."

Matt chuckled and a smile made its way on my face. After a pause, he nodded, looking back at me, "Good. Now I will wait patiently. How about we go back at my house? Papa Gates was looking for you. "

I cringed as I remembered how Papa Gates found out that I was back for a while. I was taking a shower at Brian's house and he walked in on me while I was putting my underwear on. It was... Interesting. He was mixed with happiness, fear, shock and also disgust.

I no longer had a problem with seeing whoever the fuck it was, after all I was going to delete their memory once I was gone.

Matt and I got in his car as I spoke up,"By the way, can you keep the whole situation a secret? I think that the guys will kill me again if they find out."

After a pause, Matt nodded as he sighed, "Yes. Yes, I will. You owe me big time, you asshole."

I laughed as I punched his shoulder lightly, "I know that, dumbass. Love you too."

He smiled as he shook his head, his big dimples on full display. A few minutes later, he parked the car in his garage, then he turned off the car, opening his door, "Let's go. Do you want to come and pick up the kids later?"

I nodded as I smiled, closing the door behind me, "Yeah, I'd love to. I most likely will need to turn invisible tho."

He smiled as he stopped walking, "Can you turn other people invisible?"

I returned his sinister smirk as I walked the few paces to him. Putting my hand on his shoulder, I heard him gasp, followed by a laugh, now we were both invisible.

I walked right through the wall, Matt following. We both walked into the kitchen, glancing at each other from time to time. Val, Michelle and Brian were in there, Val was cooking, Michelle was trying to help and Brian was looking at her ass.

Matt sneaked behind Brian who was leaning his elbows on the counter. Next thing, Brian screamed and jumped on the counter as he screeched, "What the fuck?!"

Matt turned visible and so did I. We high-fived each other as Brian sat on the counter, pouting, "Oh, fuck off!"

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