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*Matt's POV*

"Are we seriously going to meet the Cliff Burton? I'm going to cry."

I rolled my eyes as we got out of the elevator, "Johnny, can you please act like a grown-up for once? Jesus!"

Dimebag sighed as we walked out of the hotel, "Kids..."

We reached a mansion that was a few blocks away, the whole city was all over the place.

McKenna frowned as Zacky wrapped an arm around her waist while we were walking, "Is... Wait. Isn't that Elvis?"

Next thing we knew, Elvis stopped at the entrance of the mansion, "What's up, motherfuckers? Waiting to see the big boss?"

We all nodded as Vinnie crossed his arms,"What is he up to?"

Elvis shrugged as he put a hand on his hip while his other hand moved around as he spoke, "He's actually really worried 'bout somethin'. He thinks that some dark energy that shouldn't be here has latched itself on a part of Bat Country. So far your boy James is the worst case, actually he's the only one. Must be personal. People have been attacked, but Jimmy's got it worst."

We exchanged looks as Dimebag nodded, "Thanks for the info, man, we'll get on our way now. By the way, how many know about... The situation with James?"

Elvis pulled out a pack of smokes as he shrugged, "I'm the only one, aside from you guys. I know just 'cause I'm helping Cliff with the whole system, y'know? And no problem dudes, see ya around."

With that he walked off, not before he winked as he readjusted his leather jacket.

We all walked into the mansion and  Zacky whispered as he turned to face McKenna, "So... We actually just met Elvis?"

She nodded as she stared off into the distance, "I think so."

We lot walked into a room and there, right in front of us, stood Cliff in all his glory.

He shot us a smile as he moved back from the desk, making his way to us,
"You must be the family. We have a lot of things to discuss..."


*Jimmy's POV*

"Do you remember... That one time when we almost had a threesome with a guy?"

My eyes went wide as I stared at Brian. He just continued to pick at a loose string in the blanket as he kept a straight face. However when he glanced at me and he saw my face, he started laughing really hard.

I laughed along, ignoring the pain for now, "Elwin, what the fuck?!"

He laughed even harder, sliding to the ground, "Oh my fuck, you don't remember!"

To this point he was laying face-down on the ground as he laughed his ass off, he was literally choking on air. I wasn't any better, I actually felt kinda better than before, but I could still hardly breathe.

We were too busy laughing that we didn't hear when the others got back. Matt stopped at the entrance of the room with his hands on his hips and a smile on his face, "What are you two doing?"

Brian screamed out as he repeatedly punched the ground, only making me laugh harder. Just by watching us, Matt was laughing along.

He shook his head as he wiped his eyes, turning on his heel and disappearing, "Oh man, I'll come back later."

After another few minutes, we calmed down to the point where we were just laughing quietly. Brian sighed as he got up, wiping his eyes, "Oh man, what were we laughing at?"

I laughed as I shook my head, sitting up, "Does it actually matter? I can't remember when was the last time I laughed as hard as I just did, oh my dude."

I got on my feet and hissed quietly, feeling as pain shot through my spine. I was hoping that Brian wouldn't notice, but him being him, he quickly wrapped his arms around me as he steadied me up, "Wait, are you okay?"

I nodded as I took a deep breath, "Yeah, it's just like back in the day. I can handle these, no need to worry. Let's go to the others."

I forced him to let me go and we walked into the living room where the guys were sprawled out on the armchairs and couch. I sat on my armchair, Brian sat on the ground in front of me, leaning his back on my legs, "Alrighty, what did we miss?"

Zacky sighed as he pushed his hair out of the way, "So, the Cliff guy thinks there's something wrong with your territory. Like, the lake, y'know? People have noticed Surgat and..." He turned to Dimebag, "What were the others? Asag? Nuckelavee? Pontianak? Well, they've been lurking around, mainly around your domains, but they've been spotted downtown too."

Darrell nodded as he ruffled out his beard, "Yeah, exactly. Actually Asag was spotted today, just lurking around the town. They're all pretty much fearless, they've decided that they want to destroy this place."

Brooks frowned as he crossed his arms, "Wait, what happens if one or all of these things figure out how to go upstairs? To our world?"

McKenna's eyes went wide and she shook her head slowly, "It would literally mean the death of so many people. They probably already know we're trying to figure out how to get rid of them, that's why if they decide to go upstairs, they'd latch onto our families first. We should be really careful, 'cause one of them, Aswang goes after babies and kids only." She looked at her brother, "Pregnant women included."

Brian shook his head as he tensed up, "You better be joking."

This time, Matt spoke up, "Also we should watch out for Nalusa Falaya. The shit is crazy. It can actually... What was the word? Oh yeah, it can shadow-step. This is why we need to make sure there aren't lot of shadows around us, or else we'll have company. Our smallest issue is the Banshee, it's actually our sign that we have to look out."

Johnny frowned as he took a drag of his cigarette, "Alright, I get that, but... How do we know they're around?"

McKenna gave a humorless laugh as she shook her head, "Trust me, you'll recognize one when you hear it.  It's for the best if you don't wait long enough to see it."

I sighed as I shook my head, "But why am I disappearing? I don't get it."

There was a pause before Vinnie spoke up, "Do you know about the Salem witch trials?"

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