Saint James

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Listen to either Goodbye by Slipknot or Saint James by Avenged Sevenfold while you're reading the next chapter. Thank you.

*Jimmy's POV*

I sighed as I loaded my last bag in the trunk of my car. The last few weeks went by fast and it was my time to go. Brian was a few paces behind me, Zacky and the guys in tow. Dimebag closed the trunk, then slapped me on the shoulder. He gave the guys a friendly smile and got into the car.

I turned to the guys and jumped back in surprise when Brian wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his hair, closing my eyes. It wasn't long after when I felt Brian's body shake. Without a word I just tightened my grip on him, feeling as my own tears fell freely from my eyes. I wasn't one to cry. I never was.  However now I was wailing.

Brian sobbed into my shoulder as he held onto me, "Do you really have to go?"

I nodded sadly, running my fingers through his soft hair, "If I had it my way, I'd stay forever. But I can't."

I looked over Brian's shoulder and saw as Matt had his back to me. He brought a hand to his eyes, wiping  away his manly tears. I gently let Brian go and I made my way to Matt. After I playfully punched his shoulder, he turned around and gave me a hug.

I wrapped my arms around him and slapped his back. I couldn't see his expression, but I knew he was crying harder than ever, "I love you so much, brother. Never forget that."

I pulled back and held him at an arms' length, "Hey, I love you too. We will see each other again. But right now, you have kids to take care of."

He nodded with a smile and pulled back. I smiled as well as I made my way to Zacky. Zacky met me halfway and hugged me tightly, "You're such an asshole, y'know?"

I nodded, smiling as I pulled back,"Hey. I know, but that's my job. Meaghan's a keeper. Keep her. She loves you and I know you do too."

He smiled and nodded, his green eyes filling with tears,"I love you."

I heard a really loud, almost feminine sob and then Brian cleared his throat,"I'm s-sorry."

After telling Zee I loved him too, I made my way to Johnny. His mohawk wasn't spiked up and he was hiding his eyes behind his hair. I shook my head and I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling it back and revealing his whiskey colored eyes.

I smiled sadly at him and opened my arms. However, what he did next surprised me. He slapped me, hard, making my head turn to the side.

I put a hand on my jaw and I looked down at him. Angry tears were streaming down his face, "How could you? You come into-into our lives, for a second it feels like you never left and then, you leave again. You leave up in your little piece of heaven and you leave us alone. Do you know how-how- Fuck you!"

Johnny broke down completely, falling to his knees. I sighed as I crouched down and wrapped my arms around him. He tiredly put his forehead against my shoulder as he sobbed loudly, his whole body was shaking. I hushed him as I ran my fingers through his hair, "Hey Jay... Jay... You know, if I had it my way, I would stay by your side no matter what. However, no life is eternal. But in the afterlife, we can spend an eternity together. But don't rush your time. You have a kid to take care of. You have brothers to look after. Johnny? Look at me, Jay."

I smiled sadly when he pulled back a little but, looking into my eyes. After a moment of staring at each other, I spoke up, "I'm proud of you, you small, sad, ugly, leprechaun."

He laughed through tears, shaking his head. I got up and reached my hand out, Jay took it gratefully. After I steadied him on his feet, I smiled, "Stay strong, Johnny. I'll see you again."

The last one was Brooks. I smiled at him and we shared a hug. He slapped my back when we pulled away, a smile on his face, "I'll take care of them. Don't worry. Thank you for everything, Jimmy."

I smiled as I nodded, "No need to thank me, I'm just doing my job. Who knows, maybe I'll continue to haunt your dreams."

He laughed as he shook his head, "You're a crazy one."

I laughed as I dropped my eye in a wink. I waved as I turned around and walked to my car. Just as I opened the car door, Brian grabbed me by the shoulders and made me turn around, throwing his arms around me. I sighed as I hugged him back, "C'mon Brian, I'll be late. I'll see you again. Now man up. I'll stay right by your side."

He sobbed again but pulled back. Through tears, he smiled as he spoke up, "I'll see you again. I love you."

I nodded as I smiled back, "I know. I love you too."

I got in the car and closed the door. Before Brian could make any sudden movements, Matt wrapped his arm around his shoulders, holding him in place. I waved sadly, then I turned to face Darrell, "C'mon. Let's go."

He nodded and with that, we sped off.

I knew I'll see them again when He let them. However, until then, we had to hold on tight, 'cause it was about to be a wild ride.


"James Sullivan and Darrell Abott, please stand up. "

Darrell and I stood up, walking to the front of the stage. The whole community was on the seats in front of us, as we were in the big hall. I smiled wide as I looked around.

Cliff stood in front of us with a smile,"It's been quite some time since you two came here. When I paired you two, there were some issues. However, you put your differences aside and you figured out a way to make it work. After years of hard work, Darrell, your mission was successful. "

He snapped his fingers and a pair of wings started to grow out of Dimebag's back. Cliff then turned to me, "You proved your heart is made of gold, James. You proved that one can change the world if they try hard enough. It's an honor for all of us, to have you in our lives."

Then, he again snapped his fingers. I smiled as I felt the feathers of my wings against my back, sending a shiver down my spine.

Cliff smiled at us as he spread his own wings, "You may be sinners, my friends, but I can now call you saints."

And with that, the whole hall exploded in applause and cheers. I could only hope that the guys felt my positive energy and they were proud of me.


It's by the sea and at nights end that's when the sin and swill begin
That's when he had that certain light inside his head
For every whisper he would scream for every draught he shared a drink
For every sorrow there is a light from our St. James

On the sea by the cliff he watches, he waits the night to see
The day - his way
Last call will find us all
But there's a light that leads the way, our way.

Some times our saints are sinners,
They blur the lines and lead the way,
Their Way.
Raise hell and a glass in reverence,
The fearless lives of our great saints - our saints.

The End

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