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*Jimmy's POV *

"Is everything ready?! Matt! Put the inscription up higher and more to the center! Johnny, are you sure we have all of the decorations!?"

"Yeah Jimmy, but I have to stand on two ladders to get them straight, can you help?!"

"Stop being such a pussy, I'm working!"

Running down the hall to the kitchen, I watched as Zacky made the cake and Dimebag tried to get some of the icing without being noticed, "Darrell! Go help Johnny before he kills himself!"

Then I ran off upstairs where the nursery was getting put together by Kenna and Vinnie. McKenna had already fixed the decorations, she was now just putting the clothes in the closet. I turned to the drummer who returned my look, "Do we have enough shades of pink for all days of the week?"

He sighed as he nodded before he continued to fold the small dresses and tutus, "Yes, we also got her some band shirts and some purple clothes, same with bows and ribbons."

I nodded as I ran away, looking around. There were enough decorations, it looked good. There were garlands, cute decorations, balloons, it was beautiful. People were still coming in through the front door, there were at least one hundred people and they were only close friends.

I was dressed in a pink blazer, I had a beard, my hair was in a man bun and my eyes were green. If people asked me, I was the party director, who turned out to be Brian's friend from the music institute.

Looking out of the window, I screeched when I saw Brian park the car up front, "They're here! Everybody, they're here!"

They all gathered together, getting their gifts ready. I walked outside, a big smile on my face, "Hey, welcome! Mich you look so beautiful!"

Michelle's hair was in its natural curls, a hot pink lipstick coated her lips. She was dressed in a blue dress with purple flowers all over it, baby blue heels rested on her feet. Brian was dressed in a dark blue, almost black dress shirt, black dress pants and baby pink dress shoes to match Michelle's. He was holding Monroe close to his chest, obviously they didn't need a baby carrier at all. Monroe was dressed in a baby blue  dress with a small bow on her head.

I smiled wide as I guided the babes into the house and the second we walked inside, the Haners were greeted by all of the guests. Vinnie and Darrell were nowhere to be seen, but I knew that they were still there, because Brian jumped a bit, but covered it up with a laugh and I could hear Vinnie laughing quietly.

However I was really surprised when I saw Joe and Barbara, standing by Papa Gates, Suzy, Jan, McKenna, Walker, Brent and Amelia. Gary, Kim, Maria and James were there as well, just talking to them. Johnny, Brian's step brother was there too, talking to McKenna.

The Haners went off somewhere and Matt wrapped an arm around my shoulders when he saw my discomfort, "Kevin, what's wrong?"

I looked down at him as I spoke through my teeth, "Mom and dad. This' what's wrong."

Speak of the devil, dad walked in our direction, "Matthew! It's so good to see you!"

Matt tightened his grip on me as I eyed dad up and down. His hair now had white hairs, but it wasn't as grayish as mom's. He had permanent bags under his eyes and he had lost a lot of weight.

Matt pulled back and hugged dad, then he gestured towards me, "This is Kevin, the guy that organized the whole party."

Dad smiled as he nodded, outstretching a hand, "I'm Joe, it's nice to meet you."

At that moment, mom walked by, "Joey, who is this young man?"

Dad smiled as we shook hands, "This is Kevin. Kevin, this is my wife, Barbara."

Mom smiled wide, shaking my hand as well, "It's nice to meet you, Kevin. How long have you known the guys for?"

I gulped as I stuttered a bit, my real voice almost coming through, "Oh, uh, I've know Brian the longest, met him in the music institute, been friends ever since."

Mom nodded as dad wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Oh, that's sweet. What about the others?"

Before I could speak up, Brian called me over from somewhere in the house. I excused myself and quickly made my way to the kitchen. He looked at me, concern clear on his face, "Kevin, is everything okay?"

I nodded as I took a deep breath, looking around. When I saw we were the only ones, I spoke up, "Fuck, I was so close to having a panic attack." Looking around yet again, I frowned, "Where is my princess?"

He rolled his eyes as he grabbed four beers, "My princess is getting love from all of her grandparents. Now, let's go outside before you die again."

We walked into the backyard and  sneaked onto the beach. I looked around and because it was starting to get dark, there wasn't a single soul. I sighed as I turned back to normal, running my fingers through my black hair.

Brian and I sat on the shore, looking out into the ocean. He opened two beers and handed me one, clinking the bottles together, "What's on your mind, Jimbo?"

I sighed as I shook my head, "S-stupid stuff, Bri. It will pass... Fuck, I miss them so much."

Brian nodded as he scooted closer, wrapping an arm around my waist. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders as we stood in silence. Looking down at his dress pants, I chuckled, "Michelle will kill you because you've ruined your outfit."

He laughed as he shook his head, "Don't worry, she won't."

After a pause, I spoke up, "Do you want to go back inside? You're missing out your daughter's welcoming party."

He shook his head as he took a drink of his beer, then he spoke up, "Nah, don't worry about it. We will have a real welcoming party when it's just us, the real family, y'know, the boys and the girls. This is what I call family, now including Vinnie and Darrell. I love my family, but family is much more than blood."

Laughing, I shook my head, "Oh! Now you're quoting Slipknot, huh?"

We laughed for a while, then our laughs turned into chuckles. I smiled as I put my head on his shoulder and he tightened his grip on me, while we continued to look into the ocean.

There, in the back of my mind, I continued to think how much I don't want to leave them all behind again.

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