To End The Rapture

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*Jimmy's POV *

I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. My head was poundng and my mouth was dry. I was fading away faster and faster, however now I wasn't the only one at risk. Brian's life was at risk, because of me. Maybe if I wasn't as stupid as I was, he would've been safe now.

What am I going to tell Michelle?


I looked up as Brooks sat in front of me. He had went upstairs for a day to check up on our families.

I nodded as a greeting before he spoke up again, "I went to check up on Brian... He's fading away, however his sector is still locked."

I nodded as I sighed. After a few moments, I spoke up, my voice just above a whisper, "It was all my fault."

Brooks tried to reassure me but I shook my head, "If only I didn't bring you here... What if his babygirl has to grow up without a father?"

He shook his head as he put a hand on my shoulder, "Brian is strong enough to push through. I know he's fighting the reaper right now."

I flashed him a sad smile as I nodded. Clearing my throat, I asked, "Where are Johnny and Zacky? What about Matt and Dimebag?"

He scratched his cheek as he stared at the wall, "Dimebag and Matt went to help Cliff and the others. Zacky is with Brian and Johnny is keeping a lookout. Vinnie is helping Elvis, they're trying to take care of the whole situation the city's in. The people have fugured out what's going on and they're all scared. It's becoming a little bit chaotic."

After a moment of silence, I stood up, "Tell the guys that I love them."

Brooks got up as well, worry on his features, "What are you doing?"

I shook my head as I reached by my foot, picking up my duffel bag and cane,"I'll end this once and for all."


I stood in front of the huge castle as I looked around. Leaning on my cane, I looked at the corpses of the guards that laid lifeless.


Chester ran to me, stopping right in front of me, "What are you doing here?"

I started moving, walking inside, "Where are the others?"

He walked by my side as there was a low rumble from whithin the ground, kinda sounded like an animalistic growl, "Some are in the dungeouns, others are in the throne room. McKenna is still trying to defeat Elizabeth."

We heard footsteps, sounded like they were running, then that same growl appeared again, followed by loud thuds.

"Hurry up!"

"Matt, c'mon!"

"I need to get in shape!"

Moments later I saw Per as he ran around the corner, now running down the long hall in our direction. Dimebag was next and last one was Matt.

Matt's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion when he saw me, "Jimmy?"

There was that growl again and the men halted next to us. Huge, long clawls appeared from around the corner before the creature showed it's head. It's teeth were so big that they didn't fit into it's mouth. The eyes of the Devil himself were sunken into its skull and its horns were big and sharp, exactly like a mountain goat's.

Dio and Øystein appeared by our side as the Devil growled again, running its tongue across its teeth. Dio sighed as he spoke up, "Guys, we need to get him to the throne room. He will be able to defeat Elizabeth."

Before we could decide if that was the right decision or not, He got on his hands and feet, and it started to run in our direction. We quickly ran into the direction of the throne room and to be honest, I was glad I didn't have to say much to Matt, because he would've asked something about the guys.

What about when I see McKenna? Is she still alive?

Lucifer picked up his pace, gaining some advantage on us, the fine marble was breaking underneath his claws. Lemmy and Cliff looked at us from their position in front of the throne room's doors on the other end of the long hall. Fuck, why are these halls so big?

Lemmy turned to Cliff and said something, with that both men started to open the big seven feet tall doors. Lucifer growled again before he scratched on the floor with his claws.

Lemmy and Cliff were able to open the doors fast enough for us to move out of the way so the devil could storm inside. Out of the corner of my eye I saw as McKenna got thrown into the far wall, then she fell down like a rag doll.

"McKenna!" Screamed Matt as he took off into her direction. He fell on his knees, bringing her limp body closer to his as Dio made a round barrier around them so they could stay safe.

We all took our fighting stances as the Devil glared down at Elizabeth, " You will regret this. "

Elizabeth laughed as she ignored him. She looked back at me, then she rolled her eyes, "Ugh, you are still alive."

I narrowed my eyes as I stepped so I was right next to Lucifer, a few feet away from her, "Because of you, one of my brothers is now in danger. You have something against me. This is between us, leave them alone."

I looked up at Dio with pleading eyes and he nodded. After he moved a few paces back, a big barrier blocked out the others from me, Lucifer and Elizabeth.

Dimebag's eyes filled with worry as he moved closer, the barrier right between us, "James, what do you think you're doing?!" The barrier caught on fire and Darrell backed off, screaming again, "James!"

Dio spoke up as he put his hand on Darrell's shoulder, "It's his fight. He wants to take her down on his own."

Turning away from them, I threw my cane and my duffel bag away as I took a deep breath.

Elizabeth laughed as she put her hands on her hips before she rose them, taking her fighting stance, "Because I'm a nice person, I'll let you take the first sh-"

Before she could continue, I lifted my arms up, electricity shooting out of my fingertips. She quickly made a barrier around herself as she groaned, stomping her foot on the ground, "How dare you!"

A ball of energy was thrown in my direction, however I blocked it out, sending it back to her. Lucifer growled as he lunged at her with me following.

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