Coming Home

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Brian sat on the bed, his fingers pressed tightly to his temples as he tried to get rid of the awful headache he was experiencing. Everyone else was now back in Jimmy's house in the "secret spot" and he was the only one left in the apartment of the Bat Country building. Vinnie had rented a room for him so he could stay there until he was able to move around before he disappeared from the face of the earth, most likely to stay in his and Dimebag's apartment.

He sighed as he looked out of the window, his eyes shined due to the layer of tears that rimmed his lower eyelid, one of them escaping.

He missed his family like crazy. He wanted to go back to his wife and back to his son, and soon to be, his daughter. The month had gone so fast now that he thought about it, but while it was passing, he thought he'd been gone for at least a year. He was so used to his family's company.

Yes, he loved being around Jimmy. After all, James was his best friend since seventh grade, however he wished that he could be reunited with him sooner. There still weren't any news on the situation the guys were in, all he knew was that Elizabeth was no longer their problem. For all he knew, Elizabeth could have taken others down with her.

It was strange having a somewhat good nights sleep with the lights turned off. He was starting to get used to being attacked by a Nalusa Falaya during the night. He was glad no creatures were able to go upstairs, otherwise it would've meant that his family, his nephews and his own kids were in danger.

Zacky had insisted on staying behind with him, however Brian wanted to clear his head. After literally having to fight for his life, he wanted to be alone for a while.

Maybe that wasn't the best decision.

His head was pounding as there wasn't literally a single noise. It was so quiet, it was almost disturbing. He was always on edge, expecting to be attacked by some creature. However the creatures have went away to their domains and away from humanity. Jimmy had fought with the cost of his afterlife and apparently, he had won.

At least that's what Brian hoped and prayed for.

Also, his baby sister Kenna... She was only twenty - two. Her whole life was ahead of her and he could only hope that she was still alive. After all, she was the one to attack Elizabeth and Elizabeth was way more experienced than her... But, he knew not to doubt his younger sister's power. After all, maybe she was stronger than he knew.

Also Matt, Dimebag... Lemmy, Chester and these Norwegian men that used to scare the shit out of him when he was a teen, yes, they were still willing to help them even if they weren't as close. Maybe they did that for James, Brian still couldn't be more grateful. Even if he wasn't so sure that any of them had survived.

The only thing he knew that worried him was that after your spirit gets killed, that kills your legacy. The world will forget about you and it will never remember your past, nor what you did on earth.

Brian pressed his fist to his lips as he closed his eyes, another tear escaping. He could only hope and pray to Gods he didn't know he believed in that his loved ones were okay. He didn't want to go home and tell anyone that their soul mate was gone.

All he could do was wait.


James opened his eyes as he gasped for air. Sounds of relief and happiness filled the air as he was grabbed by his shoulders and moved into a sitting position. Matt wrapped his arms around his best friend as he breathed out, "You crazy motherfucker."

Jimmy couldn't help but wrap his arms around his friend as he smiled, that familiar and happy lisp in his voice appeared again, "You thought I'd give up?"

He was helped to his feet and the others started to either shake his hand or give him hugs. He hugged McKenna tightly as he whispered into her hair, "Thank you. I owe you big time, Kenny."

They pulled back with smiles on their faces as McKenna nodded, happy tears ready to spill. She pulled back completely when the Devil himself made his way over them. He crouched down a bit, bowing his head.

Jimmy bowed his head as well, giving the devil the horns up, which made Dio roll his eyes. Lucifer just laughed, a deep chuckle rumbling from deep within his chest before he turned around and walked away, most likely somewhere whithin his domains as his tail trailed behind.

After a moment of silence, Lemmy spoke up, "Honestly folks, I thought we weren't going to make it."

Cliff rolled his eyes as he punched his shoulder before he spoke up, "Unlike that asshole, I believed in you, you crazy motherfuckers. Now, how about we head back?" He turned to the foreigners from upstairs, "How about we go back to Bat Country? I'm sure your friends miss you."

After he received smiles and nods, with a smile on his face he nodded back and with that he led his people away from the castle of death. Laughs and voices filled the air as the ground of friends who just a week ago used to be strangers began their journey on their way home.

However, James wasn't exactly one hundred percent into it. He knew that meant that sooner or later, he would have to say his goodbyes to his family.

All he wanted was to be reunited for an eternity with them. He wanted to know if they would look younger, just like everybody did. Just like he did. Jimmy didn't look the way he looked right before he died, he had black hair that was back into its weird haircut. He looked exactly like he did when he was twenty - five and even though these were some of the craziest years of his life, he still wouldn't replace them for anything. Drugs, sex and rock n' roll, his brothers had changed back then, but he didn't want to worry. He knew they would be together until the end.

A joyful smile appreaed on his face. He was coming home.

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