The Art Of Subconscious Illusion

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Zacky opened the door, but we both stopped dead in our tracks. We looked at each other and I gulped, shaking my head.



Brian raised an eyebrow, Matt put his hands on his hips and Brooks just played with Zacky's dogs while we stood at the door step.

The tall guitarist spoke up, amusement clear in his voice as he sensed that we were tense, "Now, what's up? Didn't know you go... Places without us."

Zacky glanced at me as he stepped inside, me in tow, "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that I had some shit to take care of for VU and Johnny decided to help me."

Matt raised an eyebrow, but then sneezed due to the dog hairs all over the place, "Fuck let's go in the back yard." He turned to Zacky, "You have beer?"

Zacky nodded and both him and Matt disappeared into the kitchen. Brian and Brooks walked outside, me in tow. We sat on the benches by the table, waiting for the others. Soon enough, they returned with beers for all of us.

Matt looked at us as he took a sip of his beverage, "Now, you boys have anything to tell us or no?"

I shrugged, getting my package of cigarettes from my pocket and prepping one in-between my lips, "We just had some stuff to take care of for Vengeance University with McKenna. Nothing too interesting, she helped with some designs."

The three men nodded slowly, seemingly buying the lie. That's good...


"Yeah... I'll be fine, I get it... Baby, don't worry, it's okay. You don't have to ask to take care of your family, I've been alone at home with Franklin before... Yeah, I'll contact you if something happens. Just don't worry... I love you too. Bye babe."

I hung up and sighed, throwing my phone on the couch next to me. I got up and took a hold of Franklin's hand, "C'mon baby, we will go to McDonald's because your daddy can't cook to save his life."

After a moment of debate, I leant down and took him in my arms, "With your small legs it will take us two hours to get to the car. Let's go."

I walked outside once I was sure I had my car keys and I got in the car after I buckled up Franklin in his seat.

I glanced over my shoulder, a smile on my face, "Well baby, what do you want to listen to?"

Franklin giggled as he clapped,"Five! Five!"

I laughed as I started the car, "Do you think it's okay to listen to such a violent band?"

Franklin pouted and I sighed, "Alright, but no word to your mom. I wanna live."

He smiled and clapped as I searched for more bearable Five Finger songs. Sure, they had amazing songs, but they weren't the best thing a two year old should listen to.

I played the song The Bleeding, since it was Frank's favorite and I knew there weren't much cuss words in there. I have to tell Ivan to write some more family and kids friendly music...

Soon enough we reached the McDonald's and I smiled at Franklin, "The usual?"

He nodded, clapping his hands. I nodded and got him out of the car seat, then I locked the doors. Walking inside, I walked to the counter so I could place in our orders. I had a kids menu for Franklin and a Chicken nuggets menu with a Pepsi for me. After I paid, I found a booth near the counter and put Frankie to sit down, "Daddy will go to the toilet, you stay here, okay? I love you."

I walked back to the counter and I smiled at the girl by the cash register, "I'm going to the bathroom real quick, will you keep an eye on him?"

She nodded with a smile, her nose twitching a bit, "Sure, don't worry."

I thanked her and went to do my business. I locked the door behind my back and went to take a piss. When I was done, I went to the sink and washed my hands.

I leaned down and  splashed some water on my face. When I straightened up, I noticed something, more like someone, behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked behind me, just to see nothing. I shrugged and dried my hands, then turned to leave. Just when I unlocked the door, the lights flickered. I looked back at the mirror and I saw a silhouette of a tall man with long, curly hair and glowing blue eyes clawing his way out of the mirror. His head rolled at three hundred and sixty degrees and then he looked straight at me.

Yep, I had to leave.

I quickly opened the door and got out, then closed the door. I sighed and quickly made my way to the booth where Frankie sat. Our food was already on the table, however he sat and waited for me. His grandpa taught him that.

I smiled wide and sat down next to him,  trying to forget about what happened a few minutes ago.


*Jimmy's POV*

Darrell laughed as he got into the car, closing the door behind him. He was laughing so hard, he couldn't breathe. After a while he calmed down so be was just giggling, "You- you had to see Johnny's expression! Oh my God, it was priceless!"

Vinnie laughed along, hitting his knee, "Did you do the three sixty?"

Dime laughed even harder, nodding his head, "He almost shit himself, oh my! I understand why you loved fucking around with him, James!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed humorlessly, "Ha ha, yeah. Now, stop it. It's my brother you're talking about."

With that I stepped on the gas and drove off to my house. I was grateful Brian had bought it, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to get inside it without scaring the shit outta some people.

Once we got in the house, we just started drinking and talking, planning our next move.

The only ones left were Matt and Brian...

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