Lost It All

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Dimebag was acting really strange lately. He was constantly pissed off and he pushed people away. He wouldn't even talk to Cliff or Lemmy about it, let alone me. All of the tension was a little bit too much for me.

I decided to go to Cliff and see what's going on. He must have known something, as he was the leader of our community and he knew almost everything that was going on.

I knocked on his door, a faint, "Come in!" made me open it. I walked inside, readjusting my leather jacket.

Cliff was on his computer, looking through the system. That's when it hit me... The sector next to Darrell's was activated.

I shook my head with a sigh, "Does this mean that... Y'know...?"

Cliff nodded, sighing as he pushed his long hair out of the way. He stared at the screen for some more until he turned to face me, "There will be a thunderstorm sooner than we expected."


"Darrell. I know exactly how you feel. Please, open up, talk to me. "

The guitarist slammed his bottle of Jack Daniel's against the counter and he shook his head,"You have no fucking idea. You don't know how much it hurts. It's not his time yet... If only we didn't do the stupid things we did, he would be alive now. I-I had no choice, I was killed, but him."

He screamed in frustration, hitting the wall. A strike of thunder lit up the skies and rain started pouring down. It always did when Dime got upset.

I knew how to deal with him. After all, I knew him for nine years already.

I approached him from behind. I put my hand on the counter by his side, but I was careful not to touch him. With a low voice, I spoke up, "A few years ago you told me we all had our futures, our faiths written for us. We can't change them. We can just make it so they're more bearable. You died at thirty-eight. Vinnie will die at fifty. He's known for some time now that he'll die earlier. You just have to accept the fact, because he already did. You should be happy you're going to see your brother for the first time in fourteen years. "

And without another word, I stepped out of the kitchen and out of the apartment.


I was sitting on the sofa in Brian's living room, watching as everyone around me was having a good time. Matt was sitting right next to me, Zacky on his other side. Brooks was sitting alone on the loveseat in the corner of the room, Johnny was in the kitchen mixing up drinks while Brian laid on the ground, playing with Tennessee, Nicki, Franklin, Cash and River. Brooks' boys were at school.

I chuckled as I shook my head. Never in my life had I imagined the Synyster Gates to be babysitting instead of drinking. I always thought it was more Matt's or Zacky's thing. They were the ones who played golf and drank green tea while they talked about the weather.

One thing that hadn't changed about Brian was his ego. There he was, trying to get his one year old to say Synyster.

He smiled as he tickled the baby's tummy, "C'mon Nicci... Syn. S-Y-N!"

Nicci made grabby hands as he laughed, "Dadda!"

River laughed, shaking his head, "Uncle Brian, I'm not too sure he's going to be saying that any time soon."

Syn looked at his nephew, sighing, "River, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me uncle?"

Cash rose an eyebrow as he sat back, looking at River, then back at Bri, "But we... Why?"

At that same moment, Michelle, Lacey, Val, a very pregnant Meaghan and Kelly had walked into the room. I had to stand up quickly before one of them ended up sitting on my lap.

Michelle ruffled her husband's hair before she spoke up,"That, Cash, is because your uncle doesn't want to admit that he's growing old."

Brian puffed out his cheeks, narrowing his eyes," Hey, I'm not old."

Matt rolled his eyes, smiling as his dimples showed from under his beard," Brian, three more years and you'll be-"

"Don't! " Brian raised a hand, looking terrified," Don't say the forbidden number."

There was a pause before Matt coughed, then whispered, "Forty."

Then Brian got up and started making his way towards Matt, " I'll destroy you! "

Matt was quick to run out of the room, but Brian was hot on his heels. Everyone laughed as they heard Matt screaming and begging for mercy.

Brooks sighed as he looked at his wife," Being over forty isn't that bad..."

This only caused another round of laughter to go through the house. I smiled as I shook my head, pushing my back off of the wall and turning to leave.

I stopped when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Zacky staring at me... More like right through me... However I knew he couldn't see me, he just felt my presence. He reached his hand up and touched the forever on his neck, then he returned to the conversation.

It was my chance to leave.


Back in bat country as I called it, I saw someone at the gates. From the distance I could tell another man was running in their direction. That's when it hit me. It was Dimebag and Vinnie.

Vinnie met his brother halfway. He wrapped his younger brother in a hug, both men dropped to their knees. He pulled back, looking at Dime from an arms length. After staring at each other for a second, they hugged again, ignoring everything around them. they could finally be at peace, knowing they were together for an eternity just like how they wanted. I was really happy for them. They needed each other.

The lightning needed its rain and vice versa. Simple.

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