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"I still don't understand why I don't have wings. Am I not an angel or something?"

Everyone around me laughed as Dime spoke up, rolling his eyes, "Oh c'mon, after all the things you've done in life do you think you're an angel?"

I smirked as I leaned back in my chair, bringing my beer bottle to my lips, "Well, sometimes our saints are sinners."

Elvis rose his glass of scotch, dropping his eye in a wink, "I'll drink to that."

We all had a round of cheers and Cliff spoke up, "So far only I have wings, but that's because I've earned them. You have to do great things to be given a set of wings."

I've been here for over two years and in that time I've been made the official guardian angel of the guys. I now have a set of keys back to the normal world and I visit them almost every day. If not, I hear their thoughts, I watch them often and I try to make their lives better. Dime was close to earning his wings, because he did great things, he taught me everything I knew.

The guys released a new album a few months after my death. It was called Nightmare, I remember working on that album. It was really fun and I was super excited. However now knowing that the one and only Mike Portnoy was drumming away on these records made me happy.

Mich and Brian got married in Mexico, Johnny and Lacey got married in Las Vegas. Matt and Val had a kid and named it River James Sanders ... Yep, James, that's my name. Zacky and Gena were facing the possibilities of a divorce while Leanna was nowhere to be seen. If she truly was my soul mate, I would have gotten a hold of her by now.

Even if everybody else thought the guys have moved on, I knew they hadn't. I watched as Brian cried into Michelle's chest. I watched as Johnny destroyed his basement over and over again in fits of anger. I watched as Matt wrote song after song after song, all about me and our bond. I also watched as Zacky continued our tradition of going to the bar on a Friday night, buying two beers and leaving one of them untouched.

I wasn't better than them. I missed them so much, every single day. I couldn't stop thinking about them. Even if I saw them daily, I still couldn't get over the fact that I couldn't punch Johnny, that I couldn't hug Brian... I missed them so much.

My dream was to hold my nephew. He was a precious baby, so full of love and life. I smiled fondly when I watched Matt play my drums while Val held their baby who watched with interest. I knew he was going to be a drummer. I also knew he wasn't going to be their only child.

I had a feeling the next one to have kids would be Zacky, then Johnny and Brian. Even if he was the oldest of the group, I knew he would wait until he's finally moved on from what has happened.

Brian was the most damaged of the group. He was a mess, he was just good at hiding it. However, countless times I heard his thoughts.

"Oh brother... Is it really worth it? Should I keep on fighting or should I come home to you? I don't know what to do anymore... And you know that's not how I am most of the time. Ever since you left, a part of me has died."

And everytime he was lost, I made sure to strike a thought into one of the guys' heads. Most of the times it was Matt, because he lived five minutes away from him.

It was the first year anniversary of my death. Val and Michelle were on a business trip for Saint Owen, their designer company.

Just as he got home from the studio, a pang of guilt washed over Matt. He quickly pulled on his jacket and grabbed his car keys, and ran outside the house. He took his car, because he didn't know if he'd have to go to the hospital.

After the short drive to Brian's house, he ran inside and straight to the master bedroom. He barged into the room and growled when he saw his best friend, his brother, with a gun pressed to his head, "Don't you dare! Brian, put the gun down!"

After thirty intense minutes of talking, the gun was at the corner of the room and the broken guitarist was in the younger man's arms as his body rocked with sobs.

"Jimmy! Hey, are you okay man?"

I jumped as I came back to reality. I nodded, running a hand over my face, "Yeah, I'm fine, just... Just thinking. "

Dio playfully punched my shoulder, then he leant back in his chair,"Hey, it's okay buddy. Eight more years and you'll be able to see them again."

My eyes went wide and I smiled as I looked at everyone,"Wait, are you kiddin' me?! "

Darrell smiled as he nodded, crossing his arms over his chest,"After a man hits ten years in the afterlife, they have a chance to see their families once again, but only for a little while. That's a way of having a last goodbye with them, at least until they see each other again once they're both... y'know... dead. "

I laughed as I jumped into my seat,"Oh my fucking god! Really?! "

They all smiled and nodded. I shot out of my seat and grabbed my keys from the table,"I gotta go!"


I ran into Matt's house, a wide smile on my face,"I'm home, motherfuckers!"

I walked up the stairs and into River's nursery, smiling wide,"Hey there babyboy, whatcha doing?"

He smiled and clapped as he looked at me. I leaned over his crib and held out a finger. He took a hold of it and smiled wide at me, giggling.

I smiled down at the baby, my eyes filling with happy tears,"I'm looking over you little one. Your crazy uncle is always by your side."

I heard footsteps and quickly glanced at the door. Leaning over, I kissed the baby's forehead then ran and jumped out of the window, just when Matt walked through the door.

From my position under the window i heard Matt call out,"Val! Did you open the window?"

I laughed under my breath, shaking my head, "You stupid bitch."

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