Four AM

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*Matt's POV *

Per Zacky's request, I got up and headed away to the bathroom. The screaming had stopped now which kinda worried me, however I knew Brian wasn't stupid.

I unlocked the door and hit the light switch. I looked sadly at the man I knew since forever. He was sleeping in such a position, I was sure he wasn't comfortable.

After I slowly made my way to him, I started to untie him which woke him up. He kept quiet, even if he was shivering.

After I untied him, I wrapped my arms around him and got him out of the tub. I made sure his feet were stable on the ground, then I released him.

I put a hand on his shoulder and escorted him to his bedroom. Once he was inside, I spoke up, "You need sleep. We will talk tomorrow."

He didn't say a word, just gave a nod. I nodded back and closed the door, then made my way downstairs.

After I walked into the living room, I laid on the couch and lit myself another smoke, putting the ashtray on my stomach. I was mad at myself, I knew Zacky was too. Johnny would be mad as well if he knew I was smoking again.

After a few hours, I heard the footsteps of, I suppose, Brian.

I was right.

Brian walked into the living room, dressing in basketball shorts and nothing else. His hair was still slightly damp from the shower he took and he looked sober, for once.

He sat down next to me with a sigh. I reached over and handed him his pack of cigarettes. He nodded as a thank you, then lit one for himself.

After a moment of silence I spoke up, "It's almost four in the morning... Why aren't you asleep?"

He sighed, then brought the cigarette to his lips. After a few moments, he spoke up, his voice was hoarse and just above a whisper, "I can't sleep. I keep having the same nightmares." He was quiet for a second before he spoke up, "I'm sorry for punching you... Val will kill me."

I laughed quietly before I spoke up, "It's okay, don't worry about it. I almost broke your nose, so it's okay."

He smiled and I returned the smile. Later on he spoke up, "I miss Michelle... And Nicci... Do you know if they're okay?"

I nodded with a sad smile, "Yeah, they're okay. Nicci misses you tho, he won't stop looking around the house for you, screaming 'daddy'."

Brian sighed as he shook his head. He took another drag of his cigarette, before he replied, "I keep fucking everything up..."

I shook my head as I moved so I was closer to him. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders as I spoke up, "Hey, don't worry. Everything will be okay. How about you head off to sleep and we will talk tomorrow, well today, with the guys. Then tomorrow we will talk to Michelle and see if she wants to move back in here. Well, that is until you stop drinking as much as you do. How does that sound?"

Brian nodded as he smiled a little. He turned to me and hugged me, slapping my back, "Thank you, man. I'm so grateful, I'm real fucking lucky to have ya in my life."

I smiled as we pulled back, "No worries, Bri. Now go to sleep. I'll be here like always, protecting your couch from bad spirits."

He laughed as he got up, shaking his head, "You're a dork. See ya later."


Later on the same day, Zacky, Brooks and Johnny came to Brian's house. Brian tried to look a lot better than he did the last they he saw any of them. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, a Pantera muscle tank and his usual jewelry. His hair was combed back, no longer messy, but now clean and tidy. He had shaved, however he decided to keep a patch of beard on his chin like he did back in the day. He no longer smelled of alcohol, which was great.

The guys walked inside the living room and rose an eyebrow when they saw me standing there, Brian was nowhere in sight. I smiled at them, as I pointed to the kitchen, "Just walk with me and you'll see."

They exchanged glances and followed me. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Brian behind the cooker, preparing some weird Italian and French foods that his grandmother taught him when he was younger.

Brian smiled at the guys as he countied to prepare the food, "Hey, guys! Help yourselves, the wine, beer and whiskey are on the counter. I know you're not shy."

They all grabbed bottles of what they wanted to drink and sat down at the table, me in town. I was drinking water and Brian was drinking straight lemon juice with a hint of peppermint and water like the health freak he used to be and is trying to be again.

After a few moments, just when Brian was serving the food, the door opened and McKenna ran in the kitchen, "Hallo mein Bruder! I see you're making my favorite."

Brian smiled as he mentioned for her to sit, "I'm glad you could make it. It's almost done."

After the last plates were on their place, he sat down and joined us. Zacky spoke up with a raised eyebrow, "What's this bullshit? I'm sure it's delicious, but... Why are you making all of this? "

Brian cleared his throat as he fixed his hair, his ego was coming back which was good, it meant he was improving, "I'm asking for your forgiveness. I was a total asshole and I'd never be able to make it up to you. I love you guys to death and I don't want to lose you."

Brooks slapped Johnny's hand away from the fork before he spoke up, "We understand you were going through a crisis. Just next time you feel lost, talk to us, don't turn to alcohol. "

Zacky smiled as he nodded, "Yeah, man. We're family. We love you. We don't want to lose you either. "

Johnny rolled his eyes,"Bla bla la la, yeah, we love you too. Now, can we eat?"

McKenna giggled as she nodded,"I agree with Johnny on that one."

We all laughed and then started eating as if nothing has happened.

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