Lillie Sue cullen

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Name: Lillie Sue Cullen.
Age: a month and a half years old. But looks like a year old.

Race: 2/3 human, 1/3 vampire.
Was born premature. Renesmee took most of the blood and Lillie got the little bit of food Bella actually ate. She doesn't like blood, likes human food.
The cullens think Lillie killed Bella, but it really was renesmee. She lives in the attic.

Bio: hey everyone I'm Lillie sue Cullen, it's very nice to meet you! I don't really know how old I am, I was just a baby a few days ago. I grew out of my baby clothes.

Some things you need to know about me, is that I'm mostly human and a little bit of vampire.

I live in the attic, my family put me in here. It's like that story, about the princess being locked up in the tower. But I don't get a knight in shinning armor. I know pretty sad.

But the good thing is, they put some clothes In here for me. And sometimes scraps of food that renesmee didn't finish. I eat whenever I can. I just want to be loved. Why don't they love me? I didn't hurt mommy, renesmee did. One look from daddy and he hated me. Everyone did. No one loves me. Why does no one love me? I just want to be loved. My grandparents don't even like me, how sad is that? Everyone hates me here. Even renesmee and her mate Jacob. I just want to have a friend and to be loved. Is that so hard to ask for? I guess it is.

*sigh* well I got to go, I Have a window calling my name. I tend to look out the window when I'm bored and lonely. Bye guys see you later.

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