So beautiful

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Third person POV

The mikaelsons found out that Lillie had a new power, it was that her hair changed whenever she wanted it to. Just yesterday her hair was black and now it was back to her beautiful blonde hair.

Lillie couldn't keep away from Rebekah, still afraid that she would lose her. She was in Rebekah's arms the entire way to the mansion. Cuddling up to Rebekah. Rebekah smiled and ran her fingers through Lillie's hair. She kissed Lillie's hair, Lillie clutched Rebekah's shirt in her fists. Her head nuzzling into Rebekah's chest. Her breathing even. She kept muttering "my Becka" and Rebekah just held her tightly in her arms. Muttering "Yours".

Once they got back to the mansion, they walked into the house. Lillie still in Rebekah's arms. Who seemed to have fallen asleep. They smiled sadly. Their poor mate.

They walked into her room. They laid her down on her bed. But once Rebekah tried to move away, Lillie wouldn't let her go. Rebekah smiled lovingly. She climbed into the bed with Lillie. She let Lillie cuddle up to her. Rebekah looked at her brothers and smiled. "Come on guys, I know you guys want to", she said. She was talking about them getting into the bed with them. The boys didn't hesitate. They got on the bed and laid around their mate and sister. They watched as their mates chest went up and down. The sound of their mates heartbeat was beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. So beautiful. Her eyes, her skin, her tiny nose, her tiny pink lips, her hair, and most of all, her personality. She thought of others before her own self. It amazed them how amazing their mate was.

How'd they get so lucky to have her? They didn't even know. Yet here she was, she was theirs, and they were hers, they loved her and wouldn't dream of hurting her. They'd stake themselves before even thinking of putting such a hand on her. Finn smiled and kissed her forehead multiple times before going down to her cheeks, kissing them. He went down to her neck and nuzzled there, his inner vampire was at ease now, but wanted to be close to his little mate. He breathed in her scent, smelling her sweet and beautiful blood. But he would never take a bite, never, he didn't even have the urge to take a bite, and for that he was thankful. He wouldn't dream of not being this close to his mate. He loved her with all his heart and whatever soul he had. He gently gave a kiss to her neck. He loved being affectionate with her.

The mikaelson siblings smiled at their brother. "It's nice to see you happy brother", Elijah said softly. Finn looked up from his mates neck and smiled softly at his brother. "It feels good to be happy, she makes me happier then I ever been", he said.

After awhile they could hear their mate whimpering in her sleep. They saw her face scrunch up, she moved around and stuffed her face into the blanket. She kept whimpering, which concerned the mikaelsons. Rebekah moved her gently. Seeing Lillie's face still scrunched up. But they knew what to do. They got real close, and started to purr lightly in their mates ear. After a couple minutes, her face went back to normal and a smile lit up on her face. She snuggled more into Finn.

They looked at her, she was truly a beautiful sight to look at, and a breathtaking being.

Kol smiled and purred against her neck. Kissing the light but tan skin. He loved her more then anything. He will continue to say and tell her till the end of time and even after that. "I love you angel", he whispered.

He laid his head next to her side. Draping a arm around her.

He closed his eyes, and softly fell asleep to the rhythm of his mates heart beat. Just knowing she was alive made him let down his protective walls. For now.

Rebekah smiled and laid down. Holding her tiny mates hand in hers. Her eyes slowly closing, and slowly fell asleep to her mates tiny snores. Elijah smiled and laid down by his mates head and slowly caressed her hair softly.

Klaus laid on the other side of his mate. Lightly purring into her neck. He nuzzled against her neck. His wolf and vampire both purring in pleasure, of knowing she was okay and she was in front of him. He fell asleep knowing she was safe and sound.

Finn laid down by her feet, he rubbed her tiny feet that had little white socks on them, they were so small. And they smelled like the soap that they use to wash the clothes with, mixed with her scent. Strawberry, lavender, roses, and honey. He loved the smell. He nuzzled against her feet, they didn't even smell bad, because half the time she's getting picked up, and she hardly wore shoes. She always gets her feet washed by Rebekah and rubbed her feet with lotion by Kol. So they always smelled nice.

He rubbed his face onto her feet and purred. His little angel mate. She was his and he was hers, always, it's always going to be like this. He will always love her, he'll do anything for her, kill for her, die for her, get her anything she wanted and he would get it for her. No matter what the cost, he would get it for her. Because she deserved everything she desires, because she was perfect. She was his, and if anyone thought they could take her away from him, then they'll regret it, because no one gets away with trying to take away his mate. She was his. She was all his, and he be damned if others say otherwise.

He rubbed her feet, purring for a little while. He laid his head down right next to her feet. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep into a dreamful sleep.

Being next to their mate was everything to them. No one can take her away from them. She was theirs and they were hers.

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