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warnings: some much fucking fluff and one curse word.......☝️

Lillie's POV

I was awoken, still very tired, since we're moving to somewhere. I forgot the name of it. I was shaken awake. I didn't open my eyes. I whimpered not wanting to wake up. "Come on angel, time to wake up, you'll like where we're at", I heard kolys voice next to my ear. I whimpered again cuddling up to him. "I no want to wake up Koly", I whispered. I could hear him chuckle. I felt him run his hands through my hair. I purred softly. I loved the feeling. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see him smiling at me. I gave him a sleepy smile. "Hi koly", I said sleepy. He smiled again. He kissed my forehead. "Hi angel", he said softly. I smiled and rubbed my cheek against his. I could hear him purring. I giggled softly.

He put something to my mouth and I let myself drink whatever it was. It was cool, it was cold water. My dry mouth wasn't dry anymore. I took a few sips. Before he took the bottle away.

I was more awake now. I smiled at him. I kissed his cheek. "Thank you koly", I said. He smiled. "Anything for you angel", he said nuzzling his nose against my forehead.

I looked out the window and saw a big Castle. I was confused. Was this our home? Why is there so many people at our new home? And what are those moving things?

"Koly is that our new home?", I asked him. I heard everyone in the car laugh with me. Koly kissed my forehead again. "No angel, this is Disneyland. We thought you would like this place", he said.

Disney land?

Isn't that the place from the commercial? Isn't that where the princesses live?

Oh my gosh it is!

I started to jump in kolys lap. I had a giant grin on my face. "We're at Disney land! We're at Disney land! I get to see the princesses!", I said loudly and happily.

I saw finny smile at me. He kissed my forehead. "You'll fit in just right", he said. I giggled and cupped his cheeks. I kissed his cheek. "Thank you finny", I said. He looked to have that weird expression on his face. I giggled.

I was so excited. I looked at sissy. "Sissy! We're at Disney land! We're at Disney land!", I yelled happily. She laughed and shook her head. "We sure are lill bell", she said. I continued to jump in kolys lap. I was so excited I thought I was about to explode.

Once we parked. We got out and lijah put me on his shoulders. I giggled and held onto his head for support. I ran my fingers through his hair.

We soon made it to the ticket thingy and gave the lady the tickets.

And soon we were in the magical place called Disneyland. I was so amazed. It was beautiful.

The first rides were for the smaller riders, like me. They couldn't get on with me because they were to big. But I had such a blast. I had my hands up in happiness. I squealed in happiness. I didn't even see koly, Becka, lijah, nik , finny, Sissy, or daddy take out their phones and take pictures of me. After the rides. We took a pee pee break. Becka and sissy went with me.

Then we went on a ride all of us could go on. It was a ride that went back and forth fast, and very high. I had to hold onto nik, because I was afraid I was going to fall. But I knew they would never let me fall.

After that. We went to check out the stores. I looked at all the toys and princess dresses. I stopped at one. It was a Rapunzel dress. I wanted it but I didn't want them to spend money on me. I walked away not knowing they caught me looking at it. I walked out of the store. But I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Becka. But what I saw in her hands was the dress. I squealed in happiness. I wrapped my arms around her neck and thanked her a bunch. I hugged the rest of them thanking them a lot as well. Becka took me to the bathroom and dressed me in the dress. She put my other clothes in the bag. She looked down at me. "My little princess", she said giving my forehead a kiss. I giggled and kissed her cheek. "My Becka", I whispered to her. She smiled and put her forehead to mine. "I'm yours", she whispered back.

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