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Lillie's POV

I looked out the window, it was night time, when it was most beautiful to look at. The stars were beautiful. I scrunched up my eyebrows, I saw Aunty Alice and uncle jasper leaving. Where were they going? They looked up and saw me. They waved at me.

They were the ones that didn't call me names, but they didn't stop any of it, they didn't even talk to me.

So why are they leaving? I shrugged my shoulders. I sat on the little bench that was near the window and fell asleep.

The next morning.

I woke up and saw clothes. It was pants and a shirt, and a beanie. At least I had something warm.

And there was a plate of food. Well if you can call it that. Half eaten toast and a little bit of eggs, grandma must have cooked. I loved grandmas cooking.

I ate then got dressed. I sat back down on the bench and just sat there. I never really set foot out of the room. I was scared too, and you think I haven't tried to? The doors locked.

I sighed and looked around my small bedroom. There were small boxes and other stuff. Then my eyes landed on paper and a pen. I was so bored, so I was going to try something new. I grabbed the paper and pen and started to draw.

I wasn't really good, but I was only a month old. What do you expect? I had the tiniest smile on my face. It feels like I could escape when I draw. I like drawing.

So that's what I did. I drew for the better half of the three days that I wasn't given food. That's how long they were gone. Three days. I couldn't hear renesmees happy giggle around the house, or the sound of my parents or my siblings.

But after three days, I sat down on the bench and watched as more and more strangers came to my home. Who were these people and why did they have red eyes, they looked pretty scary.

I saw one he seemed different.

I didn't know why. But he did. He jumped onto the part of the house. He was talking to grandpa Carlisle.

"I'll be in the attic", he told my grandpa

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"I'll be in the attic", he told my grandpa. My eyes widened. I scrambled off my seat and went to hide. I hid behind some boxes that I knew would hide me.

I peeked over the boxes. He was standing there. He looked around and I ducked my head when I saw him look over my way.

"I can hear your heart little human, come on out", he said. His voice was like silk. My heart was hammering. I was really scared.

I hesitated but then got out of my hiding spot. I rubbed my hands together in nervousness.

He looked at me in curiosity. "Who are you little one? You smell of Bella and Edward, but their scent is faint, are you their offspring as well?", he asked me. I frowned lightly and looked at the floor.

"Yes, I'm Lillie sue Cullen, Edward and Bella are my parents", I said.

"Then why aren't you down there meeting the rest? With your sister?", he asked me.

I started to tear up. "I never actually met my sister before, my parents locked me up here, they think I killed mommy, but I didn't, I didn't, but no one believes me", I said. I wiped the tear that ran down my cheek.

I looked up to see him on his knees. He was looking me over. "Can I show you something?", I asked him. He hesitated but nodded. I hesitated but laid my hand on his cheek and showed him everything that happened through my small life. When I took it off, he looked amazed.

"You poor thing, I'm sorry", he said. I nodded my head sadly. "It's okay, no one really likes me", I said. I grabbed my papers and began to draw again.

"Did you draw these?", he asked me. I nodded my head. "These are beautiful", he said. I blushed, he's the first one to ever give me a compliment. "T-Thank you", I said stuttering.

For the rest of the day, me and alistair drew. He was really good at drawing. I laughed and smiled as he told me jokes. This was the start of having a new friend. And I relished it as I knew it wasn't going to last. But I'll cherish it as it lasts.

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