Home sweet home

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Lillie's POV

As soon as I was able to move around a little, and my neck healed, I was greeted with happy smiles and happy greetings from my family. I was so happy to see them. I was so happy to be alive. But the bad thing is I can't talk, because my throat is still healing. But everyone wouldn't leave my side. Aunty Kate and aunty Tanya would stay by the foot of my bed. Ally, benji, and Garrett would still in the chair by my side. Reney would lay in the bed with me. Just holding me gently. She hasn't let me go since I woke up. It was nice.

Cauis, Marcus, Aro and Didyme wouldn't leave my side either. Didyme wouldn't stop fussing over me. I just giggled at her worriness.

Aro, Cauis and Marcus would talk to me quietly. I didn't mind the soft conversation.

And don't get me started on lijah, Becka, koly, nik and  finny. They were sitting so close to me. Wouldn't leave my side. But it was cute whenever they fell asleep.

I would fall asleep next to my sissy. She was a great snuggle buddy.

And most of the time the doctor would come in. Check my wires, which I still didn't know they were for. I had that pokey thing in my hand. There was a stand where there was a bag of this dark liquid going through a tube that went into my arm. I had no idea what anything of this stuff did. But no one would tell me what it was, all they said that it helped me get better.

It was next day, the doctor was checking my throat. It was looking good she said. While I was sleeping, if healed. They were now scars, I don't think koly, Becka, finny, lijah, and nik liked my scars, but it didn't stop them from nuzzling against my neck and purr like kittens, I missed that.

"Well it seems she has gotten a lot better, this little fighter here is ready to go home", the doctor lady said. I smiled happily and brought my hands up in happiness. I get to go home!

They all laughed. "I think she's happy about that", the doctor lady said. I giggled and nodded. I get to go home.

As soon as the lady said I could go home, I moved my legs from the bed and let them hang over the side. I slid down slowly. My feet touched the cold floor. I shivered from how cold it was. I moved my legs, which were very wobbly. I tried to walk but my balance was not so good at the moment. I fell forward and grabbed onto the nearest thing I could grab.

Which was cauis' pants. He looked down at me. He gave me a small smile. He leaned down and gently picked me up. And now I was in his arms. "Got to be more careful little one, you can get hurt, you've just got out of a big nap, and now your legs need to get back to working like they used to", he said. I giggled and nodded.

I put a hand on his cheek. "Thank you for coming to visit me, it means a lot to me", I said through my power.

He smiled at me and put a hand on my hand. "I'm your guardian little one, I have to, you gave us a quite the scare", he said. I just giggled.

I looked at Aro and Marcus, I put a hand on aros cheek. He gripped mine to his cheek. He saw everything that I saw.

"It must have been scary for you little one", he said after I took my hand off.

I nodded my head.

"What do you mean?", lijah asked coming closer.

"Well she showed me what she saw when she was in her nap she had, it must have been scary when she saw her self laying on the bed when she wasn't in her body, she saw everything we did when she was asleep, she heard everything that we said, she felt the power of the shock machine, she kept seeing a white light", Aro said.

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