Cookies and hot cocoa

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Lillie's POV

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Lillie's POV

I finally made my tiny snow men. I felt proud of myself.

I looked at the others. I had a smile on my face.

"Aww, it's so tiny, it's so cute", Tanya said. I giggled. "Good work princess", kol said. I giggled. "Thank you", I said with a smile on my face.

I liked mine. It was so tiny but I liked it. It was tiny like me.

But I didn't see renesmee come and step on it. Once I did, "Hey, that's not nice, stop it", I said. I felt tears well up in my eyes. She was destroying my snow man.

I let out a sob. My snow man!

"Shut up you little brat", she sneered at me. Why does she hate me so much!

But she was stopped by Rebekah. Rebekah picked her up by her collar. "That wasn't very nice, now why don't you go to your mutt", she said pushing renesmee into the snow. She got up pretty fast. She glared at me. I gulped. She walked off towards her family. I sniffled. I looked at my poor snow man. Why do people always have to destroy what I have?

I felt hands on my shoulder. "It's okay darling, how about we go inside and make cookies and hot cocoa?", kol said.

But I shook my head. I looked at my snow man. I put my hands out and surrounded the crushed snow. And like magic. It began to recreate itself. My snow man was alive! Yay! I clapped my hands.

I looked at the others. They looked shocked. I smiled at them. "My snow man is alive!", i said chirped happily.

They seemed to snap out of whatever trance they were in. Finn picked me up. "That was amazing darling, now how about we go inside and make cookies", he said. I smiled a huge smile.

"And hot cocoa?", I asked. He smiled and nodded. "And hot cocoa", he said.

"Yay!", i chirped happily. It would be my first time trying it.

He smiled again.

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