Movie night

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Once Lillie and the mikaelsons entered her room. Her eyes lit up like a stars. For a second she was frozen. But let out a huge yell in happiness and excitement.

She went running all over the room, going up the stairs, going down them,
Jumping on the bed with her butt. Her giggles filled the room.

The mikaelsons smiled. Their friends did a good job. They called ahead and told them they had someone around her age coming home with them.

And soon she came back to them and each gave their legs a hug and repeatedly said thank you. Then she looked at Klaus. "Nik I'm hungry", and said shyly. Klaus chuckled and picked her up. "Well then, let's get you something to eat then", he said kissing her temple. Rubbing his nose along her temple. Lillie giggled as he did that. They all walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen that they hardly use. But seemed to be needed now that she was here.

Klaus set her down on the counter. He thought for a second, putting both pointer finger and thumb across his chin and cheek. Thinking of what to cook.

"Ah what the hell", he said to himself. He heard Lillie laughing at him and he couldn't help but smile. He grabbed his phone and ordered pizza.

"It should be soon darling, but how about we pick a movie while it's coming", Klaus said. Lillie smiled wide. She clapped her hands. "Yea!", she chirped excitedly. Klaus smiled and picked her up and put her safely in his arms. She was small for her age.

The two were followed after the other siblings.

Lillie and Klaus looked through the movies. Klaus picked up one. "How about this one?", he asked her. She looked at it. "Is she a princess?", she asked. "Yes she is princess just like you", he said. She smiled. All she ever did was smile around each and every one of them. It made them really happy.

"Let's watch it! Please! Please!", she begged. Klaus smirked. "Only if you give me a kiss", he said. He expected a kiss on the cheek. But got something he wasn't expecting. A light but gentle kiss on the lips.

She giggled and tore away from his face. "Ew cooties!", she said loudly.

She got up and went to try and get on the huge couch. Klaus looked up at his siblings with a smug look. They were all jealous.

Klaus was doing a little victory dance inside.

He then saw Lillie trying to get on the couch, key word try.

They all laughed. Elijah walked over and gently pushed on his bottom to help her on the couch. She turned around and smiled at him. "Thank you lijah", she said. He smiled lovingly at her. "Your welcome my love", he said.

And soon the door bell rang. "I'll get it", Rebekah said.

Klaus put in the movie. He turned around to see his mates see filled with wonder and excitement. He loved the twinkle in her eyes. He only hoped that it would stay that way.

Soon Rebekah came back with the pizzas. She set it down on the table. "I'll be back", she said. She vamped her way into the kitchen. And not a second later came into the room with her arms full of sweets. Again Lillie's eyes lit up. Rebekah smiled amused.

"We Have a huge cupboard filled with sweets Courtesy of Kol who loves sweets", she said. She put them down on the table.

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