Alive but barely

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Third person POV

Kate looked at the small little girl that laid on the couch. Still bloody, the bites were pretty hard and pierced through. Blood soaked the couch and Lillie's clothes. She dry sobbed softly. She couldn't believe that the little girl she grew to love is gone. She barely lived. She barely understand how life is, she never knew what she meant to everyone. She'll never know what she meant to them, she'll never know how much they loved her. She'll never grow up and fall in love with her mates. It broke her dead heart inside. She gripped the cold and small hand in her hand. She kissed the back of the tiny hand.

She felt a thump thump against the girls wrist. She was confused, she leaned in, listening for something. Then her eyes widened. "Oh my god", she whispered. She felt Lillie's wrist, she could feel a small but faint heartbeat.

Venom tears welled up in her eyes. She felt Lillie's neck and felt a faint pulse, "oh my god", she said again.

She looked around. "Tanya! Tanya! Tanya!", she yelled for her sister.

Tanya came running in, a concerned look on her face. "Kate what is it?", she asked. She walked over to her sisters side. Kate pointed a shaky finger at Lillie. "Check her pulse", she whispered. Good thing Tanya was a vampire, cause if she wasn't, she wouldn't have heard her, she leaned down and checked Lillie's pulse. For a second she didn't feel anything or hear anything. But then she felt and heard a thump......thump........thump.....thump

Her eyes widened. She picked up Lillie gently. She rushed outside. She looked at everyone. "Meet us at the hospital! Now! You guys, change, you look like you just murdered someone, we still have a chance to save her!", Tanya yelled. She pointed at the mikaelsons as she said that. She and Kate ran fast to the hospital. They only had one shot. And they hoped to god that that chance worked.

They ran inside the hospital, yelling at everyone. "Help! Help us!", she yelled. They better hurry the fuck up, or someone is going to die, and it's not going to be Lillie.

Doctors came rushing over, with a gurney. They laid her down. One doctor looked at Tanya. "What happened?", she asked.

"She was attacked by animals, we were in the woods, and they came out of nowhere, please help her", Tanya said, her voice cracking.

The doctors surrounded her, they checked her pulse. "She has a faint heartbeat now, get her in into surgery now!", one of the male doctors yelled. They rushed her off to surgery.

Both Tanya and Kate hugged each other as they rushed off with Lillie. They wanted her to be okay. They prayed that she would make it. They couldn't live without their little angel. They sat down in the waiting room, Kate would get up and pace. She couldn't sit still, she couldn't. She had Lillie on her mind. And she hoped to god she would make it.

After awhile, they heard footsteps come rushing in. Of course it was the mikaelsons with a concerned and hopeful expression on their faces. They honestly looked scared that she wouldn't make it.

They had cleaned up and changed. So it didn't look like they just murdered someone. Then it was the ones with the red eyes, who were wearing irritating brown contacts, but it was worth it, for Lillie. Renesmee came running in after them.

Then it was Damon, Stefan, Elena (ew!) Jeremy and the rest of the gang.

Kol growled. His black eyes glaring at them. "What are you doing here?! You, you could have stopped her, her you did nothing, and now the love of my life is in there, fighting for her life!", Kol growled at Damon.

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