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Lillie's POV

I was awoken up, by scent. I sniffed the scent, before opening my eyes. Mmm. Lijah. I wrapped my teeth around his neck and bit down. Not hard enough to wake him but hard enough to mark him. I licked my lips as I pulled away from his neck. Mine. Mine!

I crawled over to koly. I crawled on top of him. I moved his head to the side and inhaled the delicious scent of koly. I wrapped my teeth around the markless skin. Mmm mine! I bit down hard. Marking him as mine. Mine! I saw his eyes flash open and he sat up quickly in shock. He held me in his lap. He looked at me shocked.

"Did you just........mark me?", he asked me. I growled at him lowly. "Mine!", I growled. He touched his neck. I got closer to him and moved his hand away from his neck and bit down again. His time he just shivered like lijah did at first. His hands found my back. "I'm yours angel", he whispered to me. I purred into his neck before biting again.

I pulled away and looked at my mark. Mine! I growled at him. "Mine!", I growled. He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. "I'm yours angel, always and forever", he whispered to me. I purred and nuzzled against his marked skin. His fingers ran through my hair.

And soon he fell back to sleep. I looked at his mark. I purred. I liked what I saw. It meant he was mine, he'll always be mine, and I'll always be his. I looked over to finny. I crawled off of kolys lap and crawled over to him. I crawled onto his chest. I moved his head to the side. Wow he was pretty. I nuzzled my face into his neck, before wrapping my teeth around a big patch of skin on his neck. I then bit down hard. Making him sit up straight immediately. His hands found themselves wrapping around Me.

His sleepy eyes landed on me. "Love?", he asked me. I growled. I nuzzled against the freshly made mark on his neck. "Did you just mark me love?", he asked me sleepily. I growled and nodded. "Mine!", I growled into his neck. I heard him lowly chuckle. He tightened his hold on me. "I'm yours my love, always and forever", he said sleepily. I growled in pleasure knowing he knew he was mine. Mine!

Always mine! I nuzzled more, inhaling his scent. He had a really nice scent. I purred, now I can smell my scent on him. I felt him kiss my forehead. "I love you princess", he said sleepily. I smiled against his neck. I pressed a kiss to his freshly made mark. "I love you finny", I whispered to him. He smiled against my forehead. Before laying back down and immediately falling back to sleep. Mine!

He is mine! Always!

I nuzzled my cheek against his before crawling off of him. I crawled over to Becka. My beautiful becka. I crawled on top of her careful of her circle thingys. I moved her hair from her neck and stared at the markless skin of her neck. Me! Only me gets to mark her! Only me! She is mine! Only mine! I nuzzled against her neck. I purred lowly, before latching onto the markless skin with my teeth and biting down. Hard. Making her gasp in fright and sitting up straight. Her arms wrapped themselves around me. Her sleepy eyes found mine. "Baby girl? Did you just bite me?", she asked me. I growled at her. "I no bite, I mark what's mine, you are mine Becka, only mine, you are mine, no ones else's, mine!", I growled at her.

she smiled at me before kissing my forehead. "I'm yours baby girl, only yours, forever and always baby, only yours, forever", she said sleepily. I growled in Pleasure knowing she knew she was mine. I purred into her neck. Her freshly made mark. Mine! She was mine! Always mine! Only mine!

She kissed my forehead again. "I love you baby girl", she said. I smiled and purred against her neck. "I love you Becka, My Becka, only my Becka", I whispered to her. She smiled against my forehead. "Only yours baby girl, yours, only yours", she whispered. She laid back down and closed her eyes. I purred into her neck. Kissing the marked patch of skin. Mine. All mine! And she knew that. I purred and rubbed my cheek against hers. Mine! I inhaled her pretty scent. It was now mixed with mine. I loved that. Only my scent should be mixed with hers. Only mine! Mine!

I crawled off of Becka and crawled my way over to nik. My nik. Mine!

I crawled on top of him. Wow he was really pretty. Just like lijah, koly and finny. I ran my fingers up and down his face. My nik. Mine! His face felt really funny against my fingers. They say it's called facial hair. It felt really funny against my fingers. I cupped the side of his face and moved it so I could get a good look at his markless neck. Ah here it is. I nuzzled my face against his neck. His scent coming through my nose. Mmmm he smelled really good. Mine! Mine!

I wrapped my teeth around the big patch of skin on his neck and bit down hard. Making him groan and sit up straight immediately. His arms wrapped themselves around me. "Darling what's the Matter?", he asked me sleepily. I growled at him. "Mine! I mark what's mine! Your mine nik! Mine! Only mine! No one else's! Only mine!", I growled at him. He tightened his hold on me. "I'm yours darling, only yours, I promise, forever and always, only yours", he whispered sleepily to me. I smiled and nuzzled against his freshly marked skin. Mine! Only mine. I read his mind. His thoughts were only of me. And how happy he was that I marked him. I purred into his neck. He was mine! Only mine! No one else's! Only mine! For forever and always! I kissed the marked patch of skin.

He pressed his lips to my forehead. "I love you darling", he whispered to me. I nuzzled against him. "I love you nik", I whispered back to him. He smiled against my forehead. Before laying down on the bed and falling asleep. I smiled and kissed his freshly made mark. He was mine! Only mine! He was mine! Only for me! And I was his! I was all of theirs! And they were mine! Only mine!

I purred against his cheek. I kissed his cheek before crawling off of him. And crawling back to lijah. I snuggled into his side. But soon I felt his arms wrap around me. He kissed my forehead. "I'm yours my love, only yours, forever and Always, I love you my love", he whispered to me. I snuggled into him. "I love you lijah", I whispered back before falling asleep against him.

They were mine! All mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!


Hope you guys liked it! Got more possessive Lillie! She finally marked them all! Really hope you guys liked it! Love you guys! -F

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