Sages death

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Listen to this song as you read. Breaks my heart.

The others from outside watched from the porch. Renesmee had her hands clenched. Her face calm but had a dark look on her face. Tears welling up in her eyes.

Sage saw Finn. A smile on her face, thinking that he was hers again. Dismissing the angry look on his face.

"You couldn't just leave us alone!", Rebekah screamed at sage.

Sage looked at her and glared at Rebekah. "That little brat was in the way, finn is mine! He's always been mine, he loves me, that little bitch got what she deserved for taking Finn away from me", sage growled.

Everyone in the back ground, stopped, well this bitch was going to die, they knew that. No one insults a vampires mate, and she had four angry vampires out here.

Finn growled loudly. "You made me kill my mate, made me drink from her, made me drink every last drop of my mates blood and for what? Me? I don't love you sage, I don't think I ever had, I love.......I loved my mate, the one you made me kill, she was a child sage, and you made me kill her, you made me kill the love of my life, just to get to me, and now I regret ever turning you, and now me and my siblings have to kill you for making us kill our mate, it only seems fair", kill growled.

This bitch was the reason why their mate was dead. And she was going to pay for it.

Sage looked scared. "B-But it was supposed to be us, forever, like it was before, we were supposed to be mates Finny", she said. What she didn't know was she made a mistake calling him that. His inner vampire pushed through his holding cell and took over. His eyes became black and zoomed over to her. He pinned her to the tree by her neck. She gasped. Finn growled in her face.

"You made a mistake ever calling me that, only my mate gets to call me that, and your not my mate, my mate is dead because of you! And I'm going to fucking kill you!", he roared in sages face.

Sage was scared now and started to cry.

She knew now, that she made a terrible mistake doing this

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She knew now, that she made a terrible mistake doing this. And the price is death. A life for a life. She felt hands grab at her limbs, Elijah and Rebekah gripped her arms, and Klaus gripped both of her legs. Waiting for Finns approval.

Finn looked at her with his blackened eyes. "Your going to regret being turned, you killed our mate and your punishment is death, and to rot in hell for the rest of your days, this is for Lillie!", he growled loudly. And the others knew that was the sign. They each gripped a limb and pulled as hard as they could. Her arms were the first to go, blood splattering everywhere. They could hear sages scream echo through out the woods.

Rebekah glared at the women. "This is for Lillie, you fucking bitch!", she growled into sages pain stricken face.

Elijah growled in sages face. "This is for our Lillie!", he growled loudly.

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