Getting the hell out of here

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Either song

Lillie's POV

As time went on, and they stopped being around me. I noticed in the small amount of months. I was aging faster. I now look like I'm thirteen. And I got nose bleeds more often. I didn't really know what to think of it. What the hell was happening to me? Was I sick? Or was it my powers going out of control again? I didn't know.

But I made the biggest mistake of my life today.

I walked into hopes room, I always did know how to sneak up on them. It was Klaus. I don't use his nickname anymore. But I wish he would actually give me the time of day again. Half the time he doesn't even look at me. It's always hope, hope, hope. Not me anymore.

But I guess I wasn't sneaky enough. Klaus turned around and saw me. He gave me a small smile. "Come on over baby girl, come see hope", he said. I looked at him for a second. I wasn't his baby girl anymore. Hope was, she always will be. Even if she's not even his daughter. She's Jackson's.

I turned around and walked out of the room. I didn't want to see anyone. So I walked to my room. I slammed the door closed. My eyes got glassy. I saw Steve my stuffed wolf. I grabbed him and hugged him to me. Smelling him, he smelled like my nik, the one that left me alone, he abandoned me for hope.

I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks and fall onto Steve.

Whatever happened to our forever? Was it all a lie? Of course it was.

Hope is their forever and always.

I lost Becka, she doesn't even talk to me, to focused on getting things that hope needed.

Kol was always with davina, making puppy dog eyes at her, never even looks at me when I walk into the room. His eyes are always on her. And it breaks my heart. Because he used to be mine, my koly, way before he met davina, but I guess since they both have magic, Their perfect together. And I was left in the dust.

Finn, he doesn't even look at me. He's favored hope too. Even when I want his attention, he won't give it to me. He always says he's busy, but when he's so called busy, he's with hope and the rest. What happened to my finny? What happened to our forever and always? Was it a lie too? Was everything we had a lie? I guess it was, they never really loved me, why would they go through all that we did if they didn't really love me? I needed answers, but I didn't feel like going to try and get them. I don't think I would like the concept of their answer.

And nik, he didn't care, not really, once he had one look at hope, his daughter or not, I lost him the moment he glanced at her. And I was kicked to the dust, I loved him, I still do, I don't know why I do, but I do. But I can't do this when he barely even looks at me. I can't, I knew they would get tired of me and throw me away. I knew it, but they made me believe that they wanted me. I guess the jokes on me.

And don't even get me started on Elijah. I lost him the moment he met Haley. He fell in love with her, I can see it in his eyes. I can see the way he's with hope, it's like he has his little happy family and I wasn't part of it. He hasn't even told me he loved me, in so long, he hasn't even said it once. None of them have. And yes I still love them, I trusted them to have my heart, and they took it away and crushed it. Now what am I left with?

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