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The next day.

Lillie's POV

I woke up earlier then anyone else did. I saw reney next to me, sleeping still. I silently got out of the bed. I walked out of the room, I walked down the stairs, I couldn't hear any talking, so I think they were still asleep, but where was daddy?

I looked around, wow it was so quite when everyone was still asleep. I went to go in the kitchen, but I heard the door opening. I stood my ground and put my hands up in defense.

The door opened and I saw a women. It felt like that day over again. So I wasn't taking any chances, I tried to shot a blot of electricity at her, but which shocked me was she blocked it. Her face was calm but cold. which scared me.

She lifted her hand up towards me, and I felt a horrible headache coming on. It only got worse and worse by the second. I got to my knees and held my head, I clenched my eyes shut. I started with whimpers, but then I started to yell because it started to hurt so much. "Who are you, and why are you in my house?", she asked darkly. But I didn't even have a response for that, my head felt like it was going to explode. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. It hurt so badly.

But I then felt arms wrap around me. "Mother stop this!", I could hear finnys voice yell. And soon my head stopped hurting. I started to breathe heavily. Tears streaming down my cheeks. Finny pressed my head to his chest. I could see koly, lijah, nik, Becka, daddy and Reney standing there protectively in front of me.

"Who's child is this?", the lady asked. She still scared me. I heard a growl come from finny and the others.

"She's our mate mother", finny said. I still didn't know what that word meant.

"She's my sister", Reney said growling a little.

"Shes my daughter", daddy said with a sneer.

But it didn't look like she was much interested in me, she just hmm'd and walked away.

I looked up at finny, he looked down at me. With concern in his eyes. "are you okay darling? Did she hurt you?", he asked me.

I whispered and put a hand on my head. I still can't talk because the inside of my throat needs to heal. He frowned. He pressed his lips to my head. "She won't hurt you again, I promise you, I won't let her", he said. I whispered and nodded. I pressed my face into his chest. He put a hand to the back of my head. He softly rocked me. "Shh it's okay my love, it's okay", he whispered to me. I whispered and nodded.

"Let's go back upstairs, we can go lay down", he said.

I could feel him carrying me upstairs, but then I heard him growl. "How dare she? How dare she harm what's mine?", I heard him growl under his breath. He tightened his hold on me.

We soon made it to his room, he laid me down, I snuggled into his pillow, because it smelled like him. I rubbed my face into his pillow. It smelled really good. I purred lightly. I love this pillow. I heard finny laugh. I looked at him. He had a smile on his face. "So I guessing that's your new pillow then", he said. I giggled and went back to smelling the pillow. It smelled really good.

Soon finny came and laid down next to me. I took the pillow and laid it on his chest. And then I laid on top of it. I heard him laugh again. I smiled. It was a small pillow, so only my head and chest laid on it. I felt arms wrap around me. I snuggled more into the pillow, my hand grasping his shirt, tightly. I felt lips on my forehead. "I love you, I always will, you are mine and I am yours, forever my love, I promise", he whispered to me. I laid my hand on his uncovered chest. "I love you finny, always and forever, you are mine and I am yours, I promise I will always will be yours", I said through our link.

After that I could hear him purring. I smiled and closed my eyes, I knew I was safe. I was safe in his arms, I always will be. He was mine and I was his. It was always going to be that way. And I loved him and the others with all of my heart and soul. I was theirs and they were mine forever. No matter what they did, I love them and hopefully they'll love me. I want to be with them forever. And I'll do anything in my power to be with them forever. Because they were worth fighting for. They were my forever and always. Always.

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