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Lillie's POV

I woke up, my nose touching something, I inhaled, I purred knowing who's scent it was. Lijah. I rubbed my face into his shirt. He didn't leave me. I gripped the shirt into my hands, my lijah. He changed his mind and came back to me, he came back. My lijah. I purred again. He was mine, all mine, he stay with me, he no leave me. He came back. He came back to me. I nuzzled against him. I got closer to his neck. I inhaled,  but it didn't smell like him anymore. It smelled like koly. I opened my eyes and was face to face with koly. I was confused. Why did he smell like lijah? I looked at his shirt. I smelled his shirt. It smelled like lijah.

He was wearing lijahs shirt. I grew angry, I got out of the bed, and walked out of the room, I walked into lijahs room, his bed was made, I walked over to his closet, and opened it, it had all of his shirts, but a lot of them were gone, I walked over to his dresser, I looked through all of his stuff. But none of his stuff was in it.

I now knew what happened, lijahs still gone, he still left, and koly was the one wearing his shirt yesterday. Lijahs still gone.

My head started to pound. My heart started to burn, and my body felt like flames were burning me. I fell to my knees and grabbed my head. "He left because your not enough, your not good enough, he didn't want you anymore, he doesn't love you, he never did, he was happy to leave", the voice taunted me. I groaned, it hurt so badly.

I hit my head, "stop it, stop it, STOP IT!", I yelled.

And before I knew it, I felt something in me grow, first it started with my Teeth. Then my hair, then my finger nails.

I could feel the house shaking, and I was being controlled by my anger. The house started to shake even more. I grit my Teeth, why did he leave?! Are the others going to leave me too? They are and I'm going to be alone forever! I'm going to be left alone forever!

I screamed due to the pain in my head and heart.

I heard the door open, and I saw who it was. It was them.

I saw Becka cover her mouth with her hands. "Oh my god, baby girl", she said.

(But with the neon eyes)

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(But with the neon eyes)

I glared at them. "How could you?! How could you let him leave! He was supposed to stay! He was supposed to be mine! He was mine! And you let him leave! He left me!", I yelled at them.

The house started to shake even more. I could feel my eyes glowing.

Becka was getting closer. I raised a hand at her. "No Becka don't get any closer, I'll hurt you", I said softly.

She looked at me softly. "You'll never be able to hurt me", she said.

I backed up, the house shaking even more. "He left me Becka! He left me! Why'd he leave me!", I yelled as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Things started to fall, dressers knocked down, I could hear things down stairs falling down.

"I don't want to feel anymore pain Becka! I want him back! I want lijah back! I want my lijah back!", I yelled as more and more stuff started to break. I could hear cracks start to form in the walls.

"Baby girl you got to calm down okay, just calm down and talk to us", she said soothingly and softly. I shook my head.

"No! I can't! I don't know how!", I yelled. I clenched my fists tightly. I didn't know how to calm down. I don't know how to.

More cracks, and more shattering noises.

"I just want lijah back! I want him back! Please! I want lijah back!", I yelled as the pain got worse.

I started to get light headed. "I just lijah back, I want him back, lijah", I whispered. Tears streamed down my face. It wasn't fair, he wasn't supposed to leave, not me. He wasn't supposed to leave. I started to sob, I fell to knees, I could hear the fan on the ceiling shaking.

But I didn't care about that, I wanted my lijah back. Hell make the pain go away. He'll make all the pain go away. I wanted my lijah. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, and him to tell me he'll never leave me again.

But before I knew it, I was pushed out of the way, and I heard a crash on the ground. I lifted my head up and saw the fan broken on the floor.

I looked up at the person. It was Becka. "I just want him back Becka, I want him back", I whispered. I felt more light headed. She caressed my cheek. "I know baby girl, I know you do", she said. My head started to hurt more, but I was also so drained of my energy. I heard the house stop shaking. And my eye lids were fluttering closed. I felt lips on my forehead. "Everything's going to be okay baby girl", I heard Becka whisper in my ear.

Third person POV

Rebekah picked up Lillie. She walked over to her siblings. "How did she grow older?", kol asked.

"It's her vampire side, due to Elijah's leaving and her anger fueling her vampire side, If we don't get Elijah back now, by the end of the week, we'll be standing in front of a teenager", Finn said.

Rebekah gasped. She didn't want that, her mate was barely a baby, she had to find Elijah now. She pressed her lips to Lillie's forehead. She then handed her to Finn. "You and Kol watch her, me and Klaus are going to go find Elijah, (she turns to Kol) I don't care if you have to bathe in Elijah's shampoo or his clothes but do it, it keeps her calm, and well try to come home as soon as we can", she said.

He nodded, both her and Klaus walked out of the room. She turned to Klaus. "You can find him right?", she asked.

"Knowing our brother, he won't be too far, even if he says it's to keep her safe, he's never too far away", he said.

She nodded, she knew that too, Elijah loved Lillie too much to be too far away.

They ran vampire speed out of the house. They needed to find Elijah, and needed to find him quick. No one knew how much time they had. And that worried them, to no end.

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