Snow day

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Third person POV

They finally found a quiet place to sit and just coo at their mate. Which seemed impossible at first, but here she was, right in front of them. She was beautiful.

Her chest went up and down slowly. Even when she was asleep, she was beautiful. They couldn't express it in words. But beautiful was a understatement.

Elijah brushed his pointer finger up and down her cheek. Which had Lillie leaning into it on instinct. She had a smile on her face as she slept. They all smiled. They were going to make her happy, and safe. She will never have to get hurt anymore. They'd protect her with every fiber of their being.

Finn grabbed her tiny hand. It was so much smaller then his. He ran his finger up and down her palm. He smiled and kissed her palm. She was so beautiful and she was his. No matter that he had to share. She was living prove of what his mother had been talking about years ago.

Kol gently played with her blonde hair. It was so soft and silky. It just made her even more beautiful. If that was even possible. Her fair skin was not pale but not dark either. It was like a light but golden glow. Everything about her was perfect.

Klaus and Rebekah smiled as they watched their siblings. None of them had been really happy with anyone. They couldn't stay in a relationship for long. And they now know why. Their one and only was right in front of them. She was perfect, no matter what the Cullens say about her. The Cullens are assholes, who have sticks way up their ass to give a shit.

They may not care about her, but the mikaelson family will. They will fight for her with every last breath. No matter what the cost. They will fight for their soulmate. The volturi will never lay a hand on her. They'd have to go through them first. She was theirs, and the mikaelsons don't like when people take what's theirs.

But soon they looked at Lillie, who had opened her eyes from her tiny nap. She looked at them with her blue doe like eyes. She looked them over and smiled at them. Her tiny teeth showing off. She giggled at them. Which made them smile instantly.

Rebekah cooed, she was such a adorable baby.

Lillie looked at Elijah. She giggled, she placed a hand on his face. Which he immediately leaned into. To her his face was smooth. She giggled again.

She then looked at him confused. "Name?", she asked.

He chuckled. "I'm Elijah darling", he said. She smiled big, she seemed to like the name.

"Lijah", she said giggling. He again chuckled.

She then looked at Finn. He smiled at her, gripping her hand in his. But not to tightly. Just a gentle grip.

"I'm Finn", he said smiling at her.

She giggled thinking the name was a funny one. She then looked at kol. "Kol", she said pointing at him. He smiled at her, gently running his finger on her cheek. "Yep that's me", he said wiggling his eyebrows. She burst with laugher. It made them all laugh.

She then looked at Rebekah and Klaus. She tilted her head. Wondering what their names were.

Rebekah smiled big and got closer to Lillie. "Im Rebekah, but you can call me becka", she said.

Lillie smiled and played with Rebekah's blonde hair. "Becka", she said in her baby voice. Rebekah instantly melted once Lillie said her name.

Lillie then saw Klaus. She smiled at him and opened her arms for him to hold her. He hesitated but grabbed her. He was afraid that he would hurt her if he held her wrong.

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