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Lillie's POV

I was playing with my toys, while the others were cooking me lunch. I knew to stay out of the kitchen once they started cooking, they always start fights. I didn't mind it though, I just got off the phone with sissy, she's doing very well, but I miss her. I missed her a lot, she's grown up quite a lot, while I still look like I'm two. I love being this age, because everyone can pick me up, and I get snuggled a lot.

I giggled as I played with my toys, they get me so many toys, I don't even have to ask, I just get. I loved that about them, but I didn't like them spending so much money on me. But I don't win any of the arguments. Which is fine. I'll win one of these days.

A few minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and walked over to the door, I got on my tippy toes and opened the door. "Lillie don't!", I heard Kol yell my name. But it was to late. I was thrown to the floor, everything hurt. I could feel my eyes water. I looked up and saw four lady's in the door way. They didn't look nice.

I saw koly, lijah, finny, nik, And Becka try and get to them, but the four lady's did something to them. I was scared, what were they doing to them?!

Koly, finny, lijah, nik, And Becka fell to the ground in pain and held their heads. "Koly! Finny! Lijah! Nik! Becka!", I yelled their names in fright.

I saw them look at me, pain in their eyes. "Lillie run!", they yelled before they cried out in pain and held their heads. I got up, not caring about the pain. I didn't run away, I ran towards the women that were some how making my family hurt. I got angry and my fingers zapped. I ran over to one of them, and zapped her. She cried out and hit the ground. I went to zap another one, but I was picked up. My hands forcefully pinned to my back. I struggled. I saw a women outside, she had red hair and a smirk on her face. Behind her was the man from the mall. But he had a frown on his face.

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked at the others, they were still in pain. I looked at the women who was holding me. She had a smirk on her face. "Please, please let them go, they didn't do nothing to you, please", I pleaded. But she still had that smirk on her face. She began to chant something I couldn't understand. And before I knew it, I saw the others stand up. But it looked like something was wrong with them. They were looking at me like I do food, and I don't think that's a good thing. I whimpered in fear.

"Koly? Finny? Becka? Lijah? Nik?", I asked. But it seemed like they didn't recognize me. I gulped. I was shaking in fear. What were they going to do to me? What did those lady's do to them? Am I going to die? By my family's hand?

I whimpered again. And at first it seemed like Finn recognized me. "Lillie?", he asked me.

"Finny", i said scared. But I heard more chanting, and his eyes became black like the others. I saw their fangs. I gulped and tried not to cry.

I was thrown onto the ground. My hands still behind my back. I whimpered once I saw them coming towards me, black eyes, veins under their eyes, and their fangs. I started to cry. Why? Why? Please don't! I don't want to die! I don't want to die by their hand. Please! Someone help
Me! Please! I don't want to die!

Someone help me! Please! I don't want to die! Please!

"Finny! Koly! Becka! Lijah! Nik! Please! It's me! It's Lillie! It's me! Please!", I pleaded and cried as they came closer. I cried and cried. I was going to die! By their hand and it wasn't even their fault. It's those lady's fault. And they won't recognize me until its to late.

"Sage! This wasn't the plan! They weren't supposed to kill her! Sage! She's human! She's a child! You know what it'll do to them once they drink every last drop of her blood! You know What it'll do to them! It's going to crush them! This wasn't the plan!", I heard a mans voice yell.

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