The mikaelsons

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Third person POV

The cullens and new comers trained for the fight. But Carlisle noticed that something was missing. They were missing the mikaelsons. The old rent vampires to roam the earth.

But just as he thought that, he heard the sound of rustling in the trees. Edward and Bella protected renesmee. They stood in a fighting stance. They were prepared.

But soon relaxed when they saw it was the mikaelson siblings. The sibling looked at Carlisle.

"Carlisle", the one in the suit said.

"Elijah", Carlisle said. He walked closer to the siblings, shaking their hands.

"Where is the child?", Klaus said.

Bella and Edward walked over towards them. With renesmee behind them.

For some reason they got a bad vibe coming from her.

The child motioned for the girl of the siblings to bend down. She did and renesmee put her hand on her cheek.

Renesmee showed her everything through out her short life, but not showing a little about Lillie.

She stood back up shocked. "It's true", she said shocked.

Renesmee showed the rest of the siblings. They too were shocked.

They've never met someone like her before.

They watched as the cullens and the new comers trained. They too themselves trained with them.

Lillie's POV

I watched as everyone trained, but who were those people? They were very beautiful people. But who were they? I looked at Alistair. "Who are they?", I asked him.

He looked out the window. "They're not of our kind, their night Walkers, they don't shine like we do, they burn unless they get a necklace or ring stone enchanted by a witch, their the mikaelsons", he said.

Wow! Night walkers, different kind of vampires. The mikaelsons. For some reason it sent a shiver down my spine, in a good way.

"Their dangerous and also the most oldest vampires to roam the earth, probably the only reason Carlisle called them", Alistair said.

Wow! Their old. But I wanted to meet them. But they would probably hate me to. I sighed and got down from my seat. I grabbed my pen and paper and began to draw.

It won't take long for them to leave and I'll be alone again. Everyone loves renesmee and forgets all about Lillie. I am the forgotten one.

Why am I the one that's always treated like the monster. I didn't do anything wrong. I was just born into the wrong family.

I could feel something go through my finger tips. I heard a zap. I jumped.

What was that?

I looked at my hands in confusion. What just happened? I looked at Alistair.

"It's your gifts Lillie, you have more then one", he said explaining it to me.

Oh. Cool!

I have more then one power.

But I can't show anyone else. They'll probably hurt me or worse experiment on me. I heard grandpa talking about experimenting on me. But grandma said no, thank god.

I am not a experiment. I am a person. I am a child.

But I am no ones child. Edward And Bella don't see me as their child. So I'm a orphan, living with people that hate me.

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