Please dont shut me out

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Lillie's POV

I woke up to being warm, mmmm feels good. I opened my eyes, the first thing I see is lijahs face. I smile, my hero. I moved my hands so I was lightly touching his face. He looked so peaceful asleep. I saw his lips move up into a smile as I touch his face. I smile even more. And finally his beautiful brown eyes open. His looked into mine. He smiled even wider. He moves to lay on his back, bringing me with him, I giggle, I sit on his stomach. I placed kisses on his face, all around. Then did the same to his neck. I could hear him purring, I giggle. "My lijah, I love you", I whisper to him.

"Yours my love, I'm yours, I love you", he whispered back to me.

I then read his mind just because.

"How can she love a monster like me, I've done so many monsteress things in my past, but I can't help but be selfish with her, I can't leave her, I can't even when I should, to protect her", his thoughts were so sad, wait he's going to leave me?!

Tears welled up in my eyes, he now looked confused. He cupped my cheek, but I slapped it away. He looked hurt that I did that, well good, he's going to leave me! I knew it! I'm not good enough!

"Darling what's wrong? What happened?", he asked me. I glared at him. "Oh you should know, your the one leaving me! You promised me you wouldn't! You lie to me! You leave me! I knew it! I'm not good enough!", I yelled at him, which made the others wake up.

"How did you......oh I forgot you can read my mind", he said.

I started to sniffle and cry, I got off of him and ran out of the room, I ran all the way to my room and slammed the door, I got on my tippy toes and locked it. I sat on the ground and cried into my bed sheets.

Lijah was going to leave me! Why?! What did I do wrong! Was it because of yesterday! Did I do something wrong? I knew it, I wasn't enough, I'll never be enough!

Elijah's POV

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. I ran my hands down my face. Shit. I forgot she could hear my thoughts. She wasn't supposed to hear that. I felt a hand wack me behind the head. "Great going Elijah, look what you did now! You made our mate cry and doubt herself, and made her think you were leaving because of her, nice going Elijah", Rebekah said.

"Don't you think I know that, I forgot she could read my mind", I said.

Rebekah sighed and got out of the bed. She walked out of the bedroom.

"Really nice Elijah, really nice, I should have known it would be you to make our mate shut us out", Kol said.

He too got out of the bed and left the room.

"Of course it had to be you Elijah, your depression bull shit affects her you know, and know look what you did, pat yourself on the back brother, you did a fucking great job", Klaus said slapping his hand on my back hard. I didn't even flinch. Knowing he was right. I fucked up. He too left the bed and left the room.

Finn just shook his head at me and left the room.

I sighed, I messed up, I ran my hands over my face again. How was I going to make her believe me now?

Third person POV

Kol, Klaus, Finn, And Rebekah stood outside the room, knowing for sure it was locked. Rebekah knocked on the door. "Come on baby girl, open the door, please", she said softly.

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