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A few days later

The Salvatore brothers were still brooding over the fact that they were bested by the mikaelson. Damon was irritated with what they did to him. He hated to see so weak. He was so irritated that he didn't ever care that they had a small girl with them, weather they kidnapped her or not.

He was brooding around the woods, drinking as usual. He took a swing, he sighed irritably. He leaned against one of the trees. But then he sensed someone, he turned around and there she was. Her hair as red as fire, blue eyes as the ocean.

He smirked. "Well isn't it my sexy teacher", he said.

She smiled at him. "Hello Damon", she said.

"What are you doing in town?", he asked her.

"A little birdie told me the mikaelsons are around, and Finn is undaggered, do you know where he is?", she said.

Damon rolled his eyes. Of course she was here for Finn.

"Well your out of luck there, you've been replaced", he said. He saw her face turn sour and a sneer on her face. "By who?", she hissed. He shrugged his shoulders. "This tiny little girl, I don't know who she is, at first I thought she was being held kidnapped, but I guess not, I've heard around that she's their soulmate or something, I don't believe it, but believe what you want", he said. But by the time he was finished, she was gone. He sighed and swung another drink.

The next day

Damon met liz at the mystic falls bridge, he found out some of the stuff here was made out of the same stuff that could dagger the mikaelsons forever. But guess who showed up.


She glared at him. "You never told me where Finn was", she said venom in her voice.

"Oops, I forgot, did I say I knew where he was, I don't", he said sarcastically. Sage growled lowly. She hated how he was keeping her away from her lover. She went to say something. But she saw someone she hated most.

Rebekah Mikaelson.

The original bitch.

Rebekah saw her and sneered, fucking sage, she's probably looking for Finn. She's not getting anywhere near her mate or brother, over her dead body. She walked over, she smirked.

"Well isn't it Finns old bitch", she said smirking, knowing it'll make sage angry

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"Well isn't it Finns old bitch", she said smirking, knowing it'll make sage angry. Sage growled at Rebekah. "Where is Finn Rebekah?", she hissed.

"That's none of your business bitch", Rebekah hissed back.

"You bitch", sage growled loudly.

"Oh no dear, I'm the original bitch, get yours facts straight", she said sarcastically. Sage growled at her again, but Rebekah wasn't afraid of the baby vampire that her brother so stupidly turned. She was a original, she wasn't scared of anything. She smirked.

"Well I got to go, Ta Ta darling", she said to Damon. She turned to sage. "Bitch", she said it as if it burned her tongue to say it. She zoomed off back to the house.

Sage growled angrily. "That's Bitch keeping me away from Finn, she's always hated me, and I always hated her", she growled.

Rebekah needed to go, and so did that little brat they have. She will have Finn back once and for all. She zoomed off somewhere else.

Damon just rolled his eyes and shook his head. He was bored so he went after her. Wondering what she was going to do.

Rebekah returned home. She was irritated. She slammed the door open. She saw Finn sitting on the couch. And her siblings on the other furniture, Elijah and Klaus reading and kol playing around with his bat. She zoomed over and sat down on the couch, her back leaning on the couch. She groaned. "I hate you so brother", she said to Finn.

Kol looked at Rebekah. "What he do this time Becka? Did he forget to order your shoes online?", he asked with a smirk on his face.

Rebekah glared at her brother. "No you idiot, his stupid ass turned a real bitch, and now she's here and she's not going to stop looking for him, great job Finn, if she finds out about Lillie, she's not going to stop until your all hers, she go great measures to do it, she's hurt Lillie to get to you", Rebekah hissed at her brother.

Finn leaned up, growling, his eyes dark, fangs dropping from his gums. "Sage is here?", he growled out. His inner vampire angry. No one was going to lay a hand on his mate. He didn't even care that it was sage. She was not going to hurt Lillie. He ripped her apart first.

Kol, Elijah, and Klaus were angry too, "you better keep your bitch away from our mate Finn, cause if she even tries to get near Lillie, I'm going to rip her apart", he growled baring her fangs at Finn.

Finn growled at his brother. "You think I'll let her even any where near Lillie? She's my mate!", Finn hissed.

Kol hissed back at his older brother. "She was your lover back then, how do we know that you'll not go back to her, that you wont let her hurt Lillie, you turned her Finn!", kol growled loudly.

Finn growled louder and went to attack Kol. He hated how they accused him of betraying his mate. But he didn't have a chance to, because they heard little tiny feet coming down the stairs, and giggles.

"Becka! Your home!", Lille squealed happily as she came down the stairs one by one. Rebekah smiled and opened her arms for Lillie to jump into. Lillie did just that, she giggled and wrapped her tiny arms around Rebekah's neck. She kissed Rebekah's cheek. "I missed you Becka", she said with a smile on her face.

Rebekah smiled and kissed her mates cheek. "I missed you to angel, but look what I got you", she said showing Lillie the presents that she got Lillie. Lillie squealed happily.

Rebekah had gotten her a couple hats, and her favorite flowers.

Lillie hugged Rebekah's neck again

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Lillie hugged Rebekah's neck again. "Their so pretty Becka, but not as pretty as you, thank you", she said kissing Rebekah's cheek. Rebekah smiled again and kissed her mates forehead. "Your welcome my sweet angel baby", she said. Lillie giggled. She started to play with the hats.

Rebekah smiled and kissed Lillie's head. She looked up at Finn and glared. No one was going to hurt their angel. Not even sage. She was going to make damn well sure.

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