The battle

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I'm totally changing this, because my baby's don't deserve this shit.

Lillie's POV

I woke up in a car. I rubbed my eyes. I saw koly Next to me. "Where are we going koly?", I asked him. He looked back at me and gave me a small smile. But it didn't reach his eyes. "Everything's going to be fine darling, I promise", he said. I nodded knowing the trust him. I looked out the window to see a lot of snow. It was really pretty.

Soon the car stopped. And I saw Elijah come over to my side and take me out my car seat. I threw my arm around his neck. "Lijah I'm scared", I said.

"Everything going to be okay baby girl, I promise", he said kissing my cheek. I nodded but still had that feeling.

But I had a feeling of longing to something. It seemed far away but at the same time not far away. Weird. I could hear the crunch of everyone's footsteps in the snow. All I saw was snow. Until we stopped. We stood next to aunty Kate, aunty Tanya and Garrett. But he kept muttering things. I couldn't hear what he was saying. I looked to where I could see my sissy. I saw her. I gave her a wave. She smiled at me and gave me a wave.

I looked away from her, to see black figures coming from the trees. They looked like the ones from my dream. But I also had a feeling or a connection towards them. I saw more and more coming. Wow that's a lot of people. They started to get closer and closer. I started to tighten my hold on lijah, he did the same to me.

I saw the seven figures. Why do I feel like I want to go over to them. And soon I heard a howl, and the wolves were coming. Embry and Seth were by our side. I smiled.

I then saw the six figures take off their hoods. Wow they were just as beautiful, but I knew they had to be dangerous. I didn't even know why I was here.

I saw Carlisle walk a little close to them. But not to close.

"Aro lets us discuss things as we used to, in a civilized manner", he said.

"Fair words Carlisle, but a little out of place, giving the Battalion you assembled against us", the aro man said.

"I promise you that was never my intent, no Laws have been broken", Carlisle said. What laws?

"We see the children, do not see us as fools", the blonde one hissed.

I heard lijahs chest grumble. "They are not immortal, these witnesses can intest to that, you can look, see the flush of human blood in their cheeks", Carlisle said. Wow okay the first thing he's ever said nice to me, and I don't even know what we're talking about.

" artifice", the blonde one said.

The aro man raised a hand to stop the blonde one from speaking. "I will collect every facet of the truth, from someone more central to the story, Edward, as the child climbs to your newborn mate, and yet the other doesn't, I assume you are involved", he said raising a hand for Edward. He started to walk towards them.

He finally reached the aro guy. I didn't see what they were doing.

Third person POV

Aro put his hand in Edwards. Cupping his hands over Edwards. Seeing everything from Edwards POV. He looked like he was in a trance. But then looked back at Edward. For some reason angry filled him, for locking away the child when she did nothing wrong.

"That poor child", he thought. But he knew Edward could read him. Edward took his hand from aros.

"I'd like to meet them", he said. They could hear a growl coming from the mikaelsons. Edward slowly turned around and looked at his family.

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