You are perfect to me

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(Okay everyone. This story was made like a hundred years ago, and I can proudly admit that I have made a better story then this. It's kinda the same, but different, and definitely not as predatory as this story. Because holy shit what the fuck was I thinking?! I guess my mind was a lot cleaner then it was then it is today. And I can tell you that she does grow older faster then she did in this story. I only keep this story around to read the funny comments. They make me laugh my ass off. But I do hope you guys like the new update/story. Love you guys 3000) (it is called the light shines in my darkness).

Lillie's POV

I woke up to laying next to lijah, he was sleeping still. I crawled lightly on top of him. I smelled his scent. Mmmm he smells good. Mine! He's mine! My eyes found my mark, I purred lightly, yes, mine, all my mine, no one else's, mine! My teeth found his mark again. I stayed like that before biting down, I heard lijah groan, he moved around, I growled while my teeth were still around his skin. "Mmmm Lillie What are you doing?", he asked me sleepily. I let his skin go and looked into his eyes, "I'm marking what's mine!", I growled at him. I looked back at his shirt. I tore through it, throwing the scraps behind me. I saw his bare chest.

 Mine! I gripped his necklace in my hand

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Mine! I gripped his necklace in my hand. My teeth found his collar bone, and I bit down. I felt him shiver, I went lower and bit his chest. I felt him shiver again. I bit the other side of his chest, feeling him again shiver. Mmmm all mine. Mine! My teeth found his shoulders. And I bit down. He once more shivered. I looked up and saw my marks, I purred liking that I marked what was mine. Lijah was mine! Everyone would now see that. He was mine! He'll always be mine! Always will, always have. I purred into his chest. Rubbing my cheek against his muscly chest. Mmm I gently nipped at his chest again. He was mine and he knew that, and I was his. I rubbed my face into his neck. I purred loudly into his ear. "Your mine lijah!", I growled lowly into his ear.

He purred, "I'm yours my love", he said. I purred into his ear, I liked what I heard.

"And I am yours", I whispered into his ear.

He purred and before I knew, I was flipped over, he was hovering over me. He started to lightly kiss my neck, which made me giggle. "Your are mine", he whispered. I am his.

"I am yours", I whispered. He then started to pepper kiss my face. I giggled. It was so ticklish! I squealed when he kissed my nose. I reached up and kissed his nose. "I love you lijah", I whispered to him. He purred and smiled. He kissed my forehead. "I love you my little dove, I always will, I'll never leave you again, I swear it", he said. I nodded and hugged my arms around his neck. I played with his hair, he had such soft hair. I loved playing with it. So soft.

I heard him purring as he closed his eyes. I smiled and giggled. He was so funny, but I loved him. I loved him with all my heart and soul.

He opened his eyes and looked into mine. "You are so perfect my love", he whispered to me. I giggled. "I'm hardly perfect lijah, but I love you", I said.

He smiled and kissed my forehead again.

"I love you too my little darling, but you are perfect, you ate perfect to me, you always will darling, no matter what you look like or what you wear, your perfect to me, your imperfectly perfect, and I love that about you angel, your like an angel, but can be a little devil when you have your moments", he said smiling jokingly at me. I giggled. I slowly gave him a small peck on the lips. He smiled and kissed my nose.

"Your my girl Lillie, you always have and always will be", he said.

I smiled and nuzzled against his neck. "Always have always will, just as you'll always be my lijah forever", I said. He smiled and nuzzled against my neck. "And always", he said. I smiled. And soon after I felt us being flipped over again. I was resting on his chest. And since I grown, my legs almost reached his legs, but not yet, still short. But I like being short. I laid my head down on his chest. Gently running my fingers through his hair. I could feel him running his hands through my hair. It felt so calm, and I never wanted to leave this moment. Not now, not ever. I made circles into his chest, with my fingers. I love these moments with me and lijah. They felt really good, and calmed whatever Beast I have inside. He was my beast tamer. And I was his. He was mine and I was his. Forever and always. I love that saying. It reminds me of how long we'll have with each other. But forever is just the beginning. And I want to spend eternity with them. All my life with them. Until the day I die, and up to heaven with them. And continue to be a family. Like well always be. I felt him kiss the top of my head, "I love you my perfect little girl", he said. I smiled and gave his chest where his heart lay beating, a light kiss. "I love you my lijah, I always will, you and the others are my forever", I said.

"Your my forever my little dove, no matter what people say, your mine till the end of time and even after that, you are mine, and I am yours forever", he said. He continued to run his fingers through my hair, it felt really good. I was so calm. I liked these moments when we wake up.

But soon it was over. My tummy growled. I blushed. I heard him laugh. "I think someone's hungry", he said laughing. I blushed even more. He slowly got up with me on his lap. He kissed my forehead before putting me down on the bed. What's he doing? I titled my head. I saw him go into the closet and grab a shirt. I growled. He looked back at me shocked. "What?", he asked me raising a eyebrow. I glared at the shirt he was going to put on. No, no hide mark! Show everyone he mine! He saw what I was looking at. "I can't just go downstairs shirtless", he said. I growled lowly at him. He sighed and hung the shirt back up.

"Fine if I get in trouble or mocked, I'm blaming you", he said as he got closer to me. I purred when he picked up and I rubbed my face against his chest. Mmmm i loved his scent. I looked at my marks and purred again. Everyone see his marks, yes everyone see he mine! He's mine! We started to make our way out of the room. Yes he mine and he always be mine!

He is mine and I am his, forever and always. For eternity. No one can tell me otherwise.

Here you guys go, some possessive Lillie around her mate, more marks, more purring, and more I love yous, sorry it's so fluffy or short, hope you guys like it. Love you guys. -F

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