My fucked up life

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Lillie's POV 2 years later

It was a good two years before everything turned to shit. Yea I know I fucking cursed. Who gives a fuck? Look who I fucking live with.

I don't, I grew in those two years and now I look like I'm ten years old. But guess what it's not all fucking rainbows and unicorns like I thought it was. Yea I grew up and my mind expanded. And I could think for myself now. I thought I would always have them. But it was just another fucking lie. Like everything else in my life. I lost koly, I lost Becka, I lost lijah, I love nik, I lost finny. Now their just kol, Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus, And Finn. And your probably asking what the fuck happened? Well I'll tell you.

After two years in New Orleans, everything was amazing and great. But after awhile. I was left at home with daddy and sissy. They would never tell me where they would go. And they would come home late and barely give me a hug before disappearing into their rooms or somewhere else. I sleep most nights in my room now. It's really lonely most nights. But I don't want to hear those noises coming from klaus' room again. It scarred me for life. So now, I don't go near their rooms. But the good thing is, Sissy comes to sleep with me at nights, just knowing she has her arms around me. Makes me have a little peace knowing I'm safe with me.

And daddy. He's the best daddy in the world. I can always count on daddy. Even if they left me.

Kol hangs out most of the time outside the house and sometimes brings a women, her name is Davina. I really don't like her. And I don't think she likes me either. One look at me, and I could see the hatred in her eyes. I don't even fucking know her and she hates me. She turned Kol on me. Since he never even notices I'm around anymore. It breaks my heart most times. Knowing he used to be part of my family.

Elijah is always around a women, her name is Hayley. Apparently she's a werewolf. I don't think she likes me either. When I try to get Elijah's attention, just for one second, and his attentions back on her. she always has this smirk on her face when I'm left alone. Why does everyone hate me? What did I do wrong?

Klaus was always painting, and I thought why don't I paint with him. But since that one time I had an accident and I messed up one of his paintings, he yelled at me, and he threw me out of his room. Like I was nothing. It brought tears to my eyes. And now he won't even talk to me, only if he has to. What happened to us! I thought they loved me! What happened to our forever! Was it all a lie?! Huh!

And Rebekah, she was my Becka, but now she's only Rebekah now. She usually hangs out with Hayley and Davina. Always shopping. I once went with them. I didn't really get a chance to talk to her since all they talked about was boys. But I thought she loved me? What happened to our love? Did it mean nothing to her now? What happened to us? Did everything we go through mean nothing? Yea I mean I ain't no saint with a halo on top of my head. But I was never bad for them to stop talking to me.

And don't even get me started on Finn. He's gone most of the day. And comes back home in the earliest of the mornings. And he's not very quiet either. I usually wake up to the sounds down stairs. I walk down the stairs to see him blood drunk. Blood all smeared all over his clothes and face. It scares me most of the time. And I know he knows that I'm there. His eyes lock with mine, his black beady eyes looking into mine. I swear with no emotion in his eyes. Just one look at me and he walks away not even trying to explain why he was drenched in blood. What happened to my finny? My prince? Was I not his princess anymore? What happened? What happened to our love? What happened to him being mine? Was I that much of a bad girl that he stopped loving me? I thought we had forever and always? What happened to that? Was it all a lie? It feels like most days I'm falling and their not there to catch me. My heart can only stand so much heart break.

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