I Love you

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A few weeks later

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A few weeks later.

Lillie's POV

It was a few weeks later.
And they were going to take me somewhere. They didn't tell me where, but they said it would be a surprise. I was excited. I couldn't wait.

I got dressed pretty fast, well for me it was fast. I brushed my hair, and stood on my stool as I brushed my teeth. I grinned at the mirror. I poked my cheeks together. I giggled. I ran out of the bathroom and got my shoes on.

They were slip ons, because I still didn't know how to put on shoes. I was growing slowly. I looked like a two year old.
And my hair changed. It turned black. I like it.

I slowly walked down the stairs, cause last time I ran down them, I fell down some stairs and lijah caught me before I hit the floor on the bottom.

I ran once I got to the bottom, I ran to Klaus and hugged his leg. He looked down at me, and he smiled at me. He picked me up and started to kiss my cheek a lot. I giggled at the itchy feeling coming from his face. He soon stopped and I got my turn to give him kisses.

I kissed his nose. Which made him smile widely.

"Hello darling, are you ready to go?", he asked me. I clapped my hands together and nodded.

The others came over. They smiled when they saw my smile. "Let's go! Let's go!", i chirped happily. They smiled wider. "You heard the princess, now let's go", Kol said tickling my cheek. I giggled.

We walked out of the house, I saw everyone else training. I didn't know what for. I waved goodbye to aunty Kate, aunty Tanya, benji, Garrett, and Alistair.

They smiled and waved back.

Soon I was out in the car, in my car seat my lijah. I kissed his cheek. He smiled lovingly at me and cupped the side of head and bring my temple to his lips. He pulled back and buckled me in. He got in the drivers seat, Kol, Becka, and Finn sat in the back with me and played with me.

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