Bound together

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Lillie's POV

I woke up, I saw finny and koly next to me sleeping. I smiled but then I saw Esther. She was muttering stuff while holding her hands really close to finnys head. I tried to get her off of him. But she stopped me, my head felt like it was splitting open. I tried to scream, but even that I couldn't do. My mouth opened to scream but nothing came out. "You'll soon crease to exist, after I'm done with your mates, you'll be dead as well, you did drink the mixture I made like rest of them, your bound to them", she whispered to me. Tears welled up in my eyes, I was in so much pain.

So much pain that I passed out.

The next time I woke up, I saw that we were outside, I looked behind me and saw a white old house, that looked like it hasn't been used in many years.

I saw finny, and Esther. I tried to lift my arms up and try to shock her. But I couldn't lift my arms up. They were chained. I whimpered.

I looked back at finny, "finny", I said. I was so scared, I needed him so badly. He turned around and saw me, his eyes filled with tears. He tried walking over to me, but he couldn't, Esther was controlling his body. He tried to fight his mother, but he couldn't. A tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry my love, I'm so sorry", he said as his voice cracked. I started to cry, I started to struggle at the chains, but they wouldn't break.

"Finny! Finny! Please! Help me!", I yelled and cried out. I saw more tears running down his cheeks.

He turned to his mother. "Please mother, let her go, don't do this", he begged her.

"She'll be dead just as the rest of you abominations, your linked together", she said, she raised her hand towards me, and my head started to hurt again. I fell to the ground. I tried to reach my head. But they couldn't with the chains. I screamed. My head felt like it was splitting open.

"Lillie!", finny screamed my name.

But he couldn't get to me. I raised my hand to him. But I still couldn't because of the chains. I Could feel the twigs in my arms, it felt like they were stabbing me, the cuffs of the chains were making my wrists hurt, and possibly bleed.

I lowered my head down, my head laid done on the ground. It was starting to get numb, I sighed in relief, but soon it hit me. Again.

I rolled my eyes in the back of my head in pain. It felt like my brain was being fried. I screamed so loudly that my screams echoed off the trees.

"Mother please! Stop this! I love her!", finny yelled at Esther.

"Love makes you weak Finn, she makes you weak", she said cruelly.

I looked at him, with tears rolling down the side of my face. It hurt so badly. I saw tears streaming down his face. "I love you finny", I whispered, but I knew he heard me. I saw him fall to his knees. "I love you darling", he whispered back to me. I closed my eyes and passed out in pain.


Finns POV

I watched as she closed her eyes and passed out due to the pain in her head. I growled at my mother, she wasn't my mother, she's the monster. She's taken over my body, but she can't take over my mind or my heart, she can't make me not love my mate. She won't let me even near her, it kills me to see her like this, to be in pain, to hear her painful screams. I glared at my mother. "Your a monster", I growled at her.

She laughed darkly. "Me the monster? I am the one that made you vampires, not the monsters you are now, and your abomination of a mate should have never been born, only in time will you see it", she said cackling like a witch.

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