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Third person POV

It has gotten so bad, Finn and Kol tried so hard, but she figured it out, and she almost ripped the house to shreds, the mare bond must be making her angry and be in pain, and her vampire side making her look like she was five years old, just the other day she looked like she was two. Renesmee and Alistair tried to help, didn't really happen that way. They got slammed into the walls.

She was growing faster and it was worrying them, if she grows up to be a teenager and still has the mind of a two year old, that's going to be so bad.

She usually gets angry, shakes the house, puts more cracks into the walls. And then passes out in their arms. They have to find Elijah now. Cause this was getting out of hand.

They didn't want to see their mate grow up more then she had to.

They only hoped that they found Elijah and they were coming home soon, or they would have to find another way to stop her.

Rebekah and Klaus have been looking for Elijah all over mystic falls for the past three days. And no luck. It's been four days since he's been gone. And it scared them that he had actually left mystic falls.

But they weren't going to give up, it would be much easier if he would at least pick up his damn phone. But his depressed ass probably has it on silent.

They sighed and looked more, they had to do this for Lillie, it was her only chance. They checked all around, before going to the last hotel that was close to leaving mystic falls, they hoped to whoever was up there that he was here. Cause if not they would have to leave mystic falls.

They went around, having Klaus sniff out his scent. He stopped for a minute. "He's here", he said. He continued to smell, he walked up the stairs, Rebekah following after him. They passed by a lot of doors, before they got to the last one. They looked at each other and nodded. They raised their foot and kicked in the door. The door fell off its hinges. It fell to the floor. They saw Elijah sitting on the ground, his back hitting the bed.

"I'm paid through Friday", he muttered. They looked at him with concern. He didn't even know it was them. But what surprised them, were the bodies littering the room. They all looked drained of blood.

They guessed that being away from Lillie caused him to lash out.

And he wasn't even wearing his suit, he was wearing a tank top and pajama pants. He had a scruff on his face.

Damn he looked horrible. Rebekah walked over to her horrible looking brother. She bent down and lifted up his head. His eyes looked glossy and he looked like he hasn't seen a few days rest. "Elijah?", she asked him. Wanting to know if he knew who she was. And she hoped that he didn't turn his humanity off. Cause that would cause more problems. But the good thing is, he seemed to recognize her. "Rebekah, What are you doing here", he mumbled.

"We came here to find you, took us awhile to find you though", Klaus said with her arms crossed.

"That's means I didn't want to be found", Elijah mumbled.

Klaus growled angrily. He was done playing games with Elijah. He gripped Elijah by his shirt collar and pinned him to the wall. "You listen here brother, if it were up to me, I wouldn't even be here, but I'm doing this for our mate, the mate that you so horribly left, you don't even know what your putting her through, she's going through so much pain, her headaches are killing her, her angers are messing with her powers, she's trashing up the house, she's ripping the house apart", he growled in Elijah's face.

But once Elijah didn't respond he continued.

"Somethings happening to her, something bad", he said, and that's what got Elijah's attention. His eyes held fear and concern. "What's wrong with her?", he asked with concern dripping in his voice.

"Her anger is fueling her vampire side, three days ago she looked like she was two, and now she looks like she's four, and if we don't get you back home now, she's going to turn into a teenager with a child's mind, or end up killing herself", he said.

Rebekah pulled out her phone. She dialed kols number. It rang for awhile. But he soon picked up. They could hear things falling and breaking. And Lillie's screaming.

"Hello?", he said as if nothing was happening. "How is she?", Rebekah asked.

"Well things aren't so good over here, the house can't keep up with this, and is cracking, and is possibly going to come down, and she looks like she's five years old now, but that's not the worse news", he said.

"Kol what is it?", she asked with concern in her voice.

"Whenever she has a episode, her nose keeps bleeding, not like a nose bleed, it's like a waterfall of blood coming out of her nose, and she keeps passing out sooner then she didn't then the last time, I don't think her body can handle this much power using, you guys got to hurry up, it's only going to get worse, I don't know how much time we've got, but make it fast,

No Lillie stop! Get down from there! Oh god!", and soon the line went dead.

Rebekah gasped. Tears filling her eyes.

She looked at both her brothers, a few tears rolled down her cheeks. They both had horror expressions on their faces.

"We have to go back home, you have to come back with us Elijah, or shes going to die", she said as her voice cracked.

He nodded sadness filled his eyes  and his eyes were glassy. He vampire ran through out the room, he got dressed in one of his many suits, and cleaned his face of stubble.

Klaus and Rebekah got rid of the bodies.

They finally had Elijah back. But will they make it in time? Or will she already be grown up, or dead?

Elijah knew he messed up again, and this time he was the one causing this to happen, because he neglected and abandoned the mate bond. And now he knew he would never leave her again. Just being away from her was killing him, and that was only for four days, and it was killing him inside. He needed to see her and swear to her that he would never ever again leave her again. He was going to have to be selfish, but he didn't care, she was his, and she will always stay his. He was never going to leave her again. Because he wasn't going to make her go through that again,

If they hadn't go to him today, he was going to turn his humanity off. Because he couldn't handle the pain and the suffering, but he didn't know she was also suffering, he wouldn't have left if he knew that, but now he's really going to have to make it up to her.

He had too. He knew he had to strength the bond with her. He knew it was probably really weak right now. And that made him sad, because he loved her with all his heart, he didn't leave her because he didn't love her, he left her, because so she could live, but now it didn't seem like it. Because the only thing keeping her calm and alive now is him. And he was happy to be back in the presence of his mate.

It wouldn't take long for him to get back home, not with his speed. He was going to get home back to his mate. And he was going to beg on his knees for forgiveness and hope she'll forgive him.

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