The camp fire

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It's called that because she has no idea what's going to happen the next day. She still looks like a two year old.

Lillie's POV

It's been a great few days. I got to spend sometime with my sissy and the others. And I got another power. I can read minds! How cool is that? It's pretty sad what the Cullens think of me, and the people with red eyes. But the wolves like me, well except for Jacob. He feels that I took sissy from him. But I really like Seth, Leah, Embry and Sam, and also Emily.
I love her cooking.

I met new people. One with dark hair and another with white blonde hair. Vlad and Stefan. Klaus said he had a friend named Stefan. And tonight they said we'll have a camp fire. I was so excited. It's my first one!

I was getting ready and grabbed my blankie and my stuffed wolf that Klaus gave me. I walked out of the house. With my mountains of jackets on. Becka didn't want me to get sick. I noticed that it god dark and cold. But not cold that I had to go in the house.

I saw Elijah, I giggled and tried to run over to him. But I almost tripped over my blankie. But I didn't. I finally got to him and climbed onto his lap. He gave me his best smile. He kissed my head. "Hello darling", he said lovingly to me. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Hi lijah", I said. I looked up at him. I put a hand on his cheek. Showing him and telling him I loved him.

I showed him the day in our meadow. And I whispered I love you through our bound. He smiled lovingly at me. He cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead. "I love you my princess, always", he said. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Always and forever", I said.

I sat down on his lap and put my blankie around me. Even if there was a fire going. I leaned my head against his chest. I couldn't help but read his mind. "What did I do to deserve this beautiful angel? I love her so much, my beautiful princess, I'll protect her with my whole life, on ones ever going to hurt her, not when I'm around, I love you princess", his thoughts said. He was looking down at me when thinking that.

I smiled, I grabbed his hand and put it to mine. My hand much smaller then his. But to me they were perfect.

I twined mine with his, perfect. He brought our hands to his lips and kissed my hand. I giggled and kissed his hand. He chuckled. His other hand caressing my cheek. I leaned into his hand.

I saw that he was just in a suit like always. I frowned. "Lijah aren't you cold?", I asked him. I tried to put the blankie around him. But he stopped me. "I'm fine darling, I'm not cold, but I know you are, thank you anyways", he said giving me a kiss on my head. I nodded.

I looked back at the dying fire. I saw Jacob come over here with logs. He put them in the fire.

And then I saw benjis finger catch on fire. My eyes widened. Oh no, he's hurt!

I got down from lijahs lap and ran over to him. I grabbed benjis finger and blew out the fire. I looked it over. There was no owie. I was confused. "You have no owie benji", I said. He chuckled. He looked at me with his red eyes. His eyes seemed to sparkle. "It's my power Lillie, I control fire", he said. All of his fingers caught on fire. My eyes widened in wonder.

That was awesome!

"That is so cool! Your awesome benji!", I chirped happily. He chuckled again.

He kissed my forehead. "Thanks lil", he said. I giggled and bopped him on the nose with my finger. I giggled again. I waved to the lady next to him. I think her name is tia.

I walked over to Alistair. But he seemed down. I frowned and climbed onto his lap. "Ally what wrong?", I asked him. He looked at me with his red eyes. He gave me a small smile. But I saw it didn't reach his eyes. "Nothings wrong little one", he said putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I put my hands on my hips, I knew he had a good grip on me. I looked at him sternly. "I know something wrong with you, now spill it, before I make you", I said. I couldn't help but giggled after words. Becka and Kol taught me to do that.

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