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Third person POV

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Third person POV

Kol and Finn stood over their sleeping mate, they had to do something about this and they did, they hated to do this. They had a witch standing over her, keeping her asleep. They threatened her, if she did anything to hurt their mate they would kill her, but in the mean time, Finn was fixing the house. So it wouldn't come down on them.

It was mere hours, but it went by so fast,

But soon her nose, started to stream black, it was blood, but darker. Finn rushed over with a rag and wiped it away, he looked at the witch. "What's happening?", he growled at her. "She's fighting to wake up, her powers are going out of control inside her, it's destroying her body and the mate bond is weakening", she said trying to keep Lillie asleep.

God damn it Elijah you better hurry the fuck up.

A few hours more, both Kol and Finn heard the door open. They heard talking. Instead of two, their was three of them. They looked at each other, Elijah was home. They both looked at the witch. "Wake her up", Finn said. The witch looked at them for a second, before muttering so words, and before they knew it, Lillie woke up with a gasp. She sat up and glared at them, she got off the bed and walked out of the room. The house started to shake again.

She walked down the stairs, but then saw the three standing their.

Elijah looked at the little girl he loved

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Elijah looked at the little girl he loved. She has grown in the few days he was gone. Because of him.

She stared at him. She glared at the man that caused her so much pain and heartbreak. "So look who's Back, what are you going to do next huh Elijah? Are you going to leave again? Why are you here when you're just going to leave again", she said angrily.

He got to his knees. And he crawled on his knees to her. Grabbing her tiny but grown hands, he had tears in his eyes.

"My love, I don't expect you to forgive me, but I messed up when I left, I should have never left you, I shouldn't have left you like this, I thought I was doing this for you, I'm like death walking around, and yet I can't stay away from you, I can't help but be selfish with you, I didn't want to but I can't help but want to be by your side forever and I'm sorry I made you go through all this pain, it was on me, so to be fair, kol grab the dagger", Elijah said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

They looked at him like he was crazy, he wasn't going to do what they thought he was? Elijah looked at Kol. "Please?", he asked with tear filled eyes and streams of tears running down his cheeks. Kol slowly nodded and walked out of the room.

He soon came back, with the dagger. He gave it to Elijah. "You better know what your doing Elijah", he said.

"I do", he said.

He puts the dagger to his chest, pointing to his heart. He grabs Lillie's hand and wraps it around the handle of the dagger. "Go ahead, do it, I've caused you enough pain and i hate myself for it, do it, go ahead, I deserve it", he said as he looked her right in the eyes. He was crying, his hands were shaking. But he didn't look away from the little girl he loved.

Lillie looked at the man she loved, she still loved him, yea she was angry with him. But she would never hurt him, she would never do that to him. She loved him with all of her heart. She loosened her hold on the handle. The dagger dropped to the ground.

It was quite for a second, before everyone could hear a slap echo around the room. "You hurt me lijah, you hurt me, you left me, and it's going to take awhile before I forgive you, but I'm not going to hurt you, and as long as you come back home, and stay with me, I will continue to love you, I just hope you'll love me back, as you used to, please lijah, I can't lose you again, I'll die before you go again", she said as her voice broke and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Elijah wrapped his arms around her waist and hugs her stomach. She wrapped her arms around him. Tears rolled down freely. Elijah cried into her stomach. "I love you, I love you my love, I always will, I'll never leave you again, I'm by your side forever, I'll never leave again", he said into her stomach.

"I love you lijah, I really do", she whispered to him.

She bends down a little, wrapping her arms around his neck. She hugged him tightly. Before nuzzling against his neck, smelling his scent. It was her lijah, not just Kol in Elijah's shirt. It was her lijah. It was his scent. She purred before she wrapped her lips around the skin of his neck, and took a bite out of his neck. Elijah shuddered as he felt her tiny teeth puncture his neck.

Her weight on him made him fall back. She looked at him. "You are mine, you are mine lijah, I marked you as mine, now you can't leave me, and you can't leave", she said growling at him.

She had marked him, he knew it wouldn't heal, she marked him forever, showing everyone that he was hers. But he was happy she had. He purred liking that she had marked him, he was hers, and he will always be hers.

And he'll never leave her again. Never again. He'll die before he does. He loves her to be selfish with her.

He'll just be more careful with her, because he will not let her get hurt again. He didn't want to see her go through any more pain.

He held her in his arms as he continued to listen to her purr in his ear. He loved the sound of it, he missed it so much. The light sound of purring was music to his ears. He nuzzled his face into her neck and rubbed his face into her neck. He missed her scent, he loved the smell of her scent, he's always had. He couldn't go one day without smelling her scent, and that's why it drove him crazy when he left, he snapped, so long without her, he snapped and went on a killing spree, but since he's home, he'll never have to do that again. Not when she's around.

He'll try not to be the monster he knows he is, he'll be the hero she wants him to be.

He'll be the hero she needs him to be.

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