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Lillie's POV

A few days passed, I didn't have the nightmare again. I was glad about that. Now their telling me that this holiday called Christmas is coming up. I'm excited. I couldn't wait. What am I going to get them though?

I know Kol likes bats, like baseball bats. Maybe I can get him one, or maybe make him one. I have the power to make anything into anything I want, which is really cool. Or repair something that had been broken.

I waddled my way around the house. Avoiding the others. They still don't like me. I don't know why. What did I do wrong?

But I could hear Tanya telling Kate something.

"I can't believe it broke, I've had that necklace for a long time, you know who gave it to me, what am I going to do?", she said.

"I'm sorry Tanya, I know how much that necklace meant to you", Kate said with sorrow in her voice.

I felt bad for her. She really liked that necklace.

I saw Tanya sigh sadly. "It's fine I guess, I think it's time to settle down in the future then in the past", she said. It sounded as if she was going to cry. I saw tears in her eyes. It broke my heart.

She hesitated but put her broken necklace on the table. She left with a sad frown on her face. Kate followed her, trying to comfort her.

I looked at the broken necklace on the table. I couldn't reach it with my one year old looking body. So I grabbed the chair and climbed it, I grabbed the necklace with my tiny fingers. I held it lightly in my hand.

I got down and went up the stairs to my room. Not knowing someone was watching me.

I sat down in my room, looking at the stuff on the floor. A large piece of hickory wood. Don't ask me where I found it. I put my hand on it, watching as it shaped into a bat. The words Kol mikaelson were written on it. But also my name was on it.

I smiled at my work. I liked it. Hopefully he would.

I looked at my drawing I did for Klaus, knowing he would like it. He liked to draw.

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