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Lillie's POV
I woke up, I was really warm, my head hurt. Like really badly. I was sweating. My tummy hurt. I whispered and held my tummy. It really hurt. I felt something come up, my eyes widened. I got up quick and waddled to the bathroom. The lid was already up. I fell to the floor and stuffed my face in the toilet. Good thing the toilet didn't smell. It was usually always clean. But not so much right now. I threw up and threw up. I breathed heavily. I didn't like this. It felt really weird. My head was hurting more. I didn't like, I didn't like this feeling. I was tired, even when I had just woken up. My eyes fluttered up and down. I breathed heavily again. I thought that was the last of it. But as that thought went through my mind, it started up again.

I threw up and threw up. I didn't like this. I hated it. Everything hurt.

I felt hands grasp my hair. A hand rubbing my back. "I got you sissy, I got you, it's going to be okay", she whispered softly. I whimpered. "I know, I know sissy, I know it hurts, but your sick", she said. She put the back of his hand to my forehead. She pulled it back. "Your really warm sissy, do you want the others to come in here?", she asked me. I shook my head and grasped her hand. "Just lijah, dont want the others to see me like this", I said through our link. She nodded. She left the room, and seconds later, lijah was coming in with concern written all over his face. He got to his knees, his hand rubbed up and down my back. "Oh darling, it's going to be okay, I know it hurts", he said. And as soon as he said that. More came up. I sobbed as I threw up. He soothes me as I threw up, he rubbed up and down my back. As soon as it was over. I whimpered. "I know darling, I know", he said softly.

My tummy and head hurt more but I didn't feel any more stuff come up. That was good, I didn't like that part of being sick.

"Are you done?", he asked me softly. I nodded my head. He nodded his head. He picked me up gently. "Okay darling, how about we take a cold shower, would that feel good?", he asked me.

I nodded my head, I was really warm and I needed something cold. Really cold. He nodded his head before pressing his lips to my head. He set me down on the counter of the sink. Before I watched as he started to get out of his clothes. I didn't look away, I watched as he took off his shirt. His body was beautiful. His chest, his collar bone, his tummy. Wow he was really beautiful. He saw me looking, he smiled.

He got out of his pants, but stayed in his undies. Wow! He was really beautiful! He walked over to me, he helped me out of my shirt, and then my pajama pants. He left me in my undies. He walked over to the shower. He turned it on, I heard the water hitting the tub floor. He walked over to me. He gently picked me up, he pressed his lips to my forehead again. "It's going to be cold at first, but it's going to feel good okay", he said. I nodded my head. He walked into the shower. The water hitting me in the face. I squealed softly. Lijah laughed and moved my face towards his chest. He was slightly warm but felt cold. Mmm. Feels good. His hands were going through my hair, getting it wet.

After awhile, lijah moved the thingy that had the water coming out of it. So it only was hitting my back.

Lijah bent down and sat down. He placed me on his chest. The cool water hitting my back and side. It felt good. But my head still hurt. I laid my head on his chest. I whimpered. He had a hand on the back of my head. He looked down at me. No smile but no frown. His eyes held love, for me. He hushed me soothingly. He kissed my head again. "I know darling, I know, I know it hurts", he whispered to me.

I raised a hand and started to make circles into his chest. I felt him nuzzle against my neck. I could hear him purr like a kitten. I giggled weakly.

"You have no idea what you do to me darling, you make my heart beat faster then normal, you put a smile on my face whenever I see your beautiful face, you light up a room with only a smile, and you make me smile just with you being you, your perfect darling, and I love you, I love you with all my heart and whatever soul I have, I always will, forever and always, it's always going to be you, no one else, Your it for us darling, only you", he whispered to me. As his words flooded my ears, my head started to hurt less and less. I pressed my cheek to his wet chest.

"I love you lijah, you guys are it for me too, always", I whispered through our link. I felt his thumb rub over my cheek. I leaned into it softly.

"Your always going to be my little girl, always, Your my girl", he whispered to me. I nuzzled against his chest softly. The cool water was getting me sleepy. 

"Always yours lijah, and you are mine", I whispered through our link. I could hear his humming bird like heart beating, and I knew it was because of me. I could hear his steady breathing. "I'm yours darling, always", he whispered to me.

I closed my eyes and just let myself feel the cool water, and lay on lijahs chest. It felt really nice.

I loved how he took care of me. That he was there for me when I need him the most. I love him. I love him. And I'm his. Forever. Until he and the others don't want me. I didn't know he was listening to my thoughts, our link was still open, since I was touching him. "I will always want you darling, we will never not want you, you are ours forever, don't ever forget that alright", he said. I nodded my head and smiled.

I was theirs forever. And they were mine forever. It felt good to be wanted, and loved.

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