six - unfocused eyes

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song - You Were Good To Me by Jeremy Zucker 

~"Still, no matter where I go
At the end of every road
You were good to me, you were good to me"~

Her eyes were unlike anything that he had ever seen before, burning bright just like the sunset that he had described. The golden brown faded at the edges into a darker brown, one that was almost softer and less harsh than the raging fire that rested in her irises. The brightness of the color only added to how intense they were, filled with such knowledge as if he could never fool her, as if she could see right through any lie. They lit up with humor and a certain edge when she was teasing him, the light in her eyes making his heart feel warm. But when she was angry they darkened, filled with so much rage and disgust that he wondered how he could find them so mysterious and beautiful despite her harsh aura. Despite how beautiful her eyes were, he couldn't stand how unfocused they were. He did not think any of different of her once he found out she was blind, never thinking of her as incapable or strange, but he still wanted more from her. He wanted her to look directly into his eyes, to let them linger there until it would feel like all of his limbs would melt away from him, unable to support the weight of his body. He wanted their eyes to meet and feed into the unknown connection that lay between them, the connection that they were both somehow afraid of. 

Sometimes he found himself watching her as they walked to school together, wishing that she would turn her head and look back at him. She either stared at the space ahead of them or looked at where she knew her feet where, and part of him wondered if she purposely tried to avoid the direction of his voice. He wanted to feel his heart burst from her looking into his eyes, to see the softness or humor directed at him for once, instead of just where his voice was coming from. He wanted her to see how soft he made her, to perhaps notice how he looked at her although he knew that it would only scare her off. 

"Wolfhard?" she snapped in a snarky tone. "Are you listening?"

Finn snapped out of it. "Huh?"

Millie huffed. "I don't know why I bother sometimes. You never listen to me, you just go all quiet. What are you always so busy thinking about?"

"Nothing" he protested, feeling heat creep down his neck. 

"I was talking about skipping art class, it is pointless anyway. I'm sure my parents think I already skip it anyway, so we could go to Alma's Hill or do something more interesting-"

"What?" Finn frowned suddenly. "No, we aren't skipping."

"Why not?" Millie whined. 

He looked at her as if she was stupid. "Uh, because your parents will hate me? I am supposed to make sure that you get to class and I don't think that they would understand you skipping art. I-I don't want to get yelled at!"

She blew her hair out of her face. "You're so boring."

"I'm sensible" he corrected her. 

She shrugged. "Still boring, Wolfhard."

"Finn?" another voice came from behind them and he turned around to see a familiar face. He recognized her from his AP Biology class, one of the only classes that he didn't share with Millie because it was specially advanced. She was top of the class beside him, sporting red hair and blue eyes hidden by big circle classes that were perched high on her nose, the other students teased her and called her Harry Potter but she just laughed them off. He could not remember her name but she sat three rows behind him, constantly putting her hand up as if she loved the subject, while Finn was just trying to make sure that he caught up with the work. 

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