twenty seven - paint my love

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song - I Only See You by Benton Paul

~"If you give me the chance
Promise I'll never be less than true
And I'll only see you, in all that I'll do
To the rest I'll be blind"~

She was a sunflower among the field of daises. There was something shy and hidden away about her, like she didn't want to be the center of attention, perhaps not believing that she was worthy enough. But to him, she shone brighter than any goddamn sun in his world, the small yet pretty daises suddenly insignificant. Sunflowers were different, brighter and bolder than the other flowers but they still held their own quirkiness - a little funny and strange. Finn had been introduced to fields of daises throughout his life, people that swept past him with their carefree personalities and confident looks, as if they deemed themselves as worthy. At first he was captivated by the beauty like everyone else, but somehow he found himself searching beyond the fields - eyes trying to settle on something more. When he met her, it felt like he had finally found that something - the sunflower among the daisies. 

Because Finn could spend his entire life dancing in the field of daises, but he knew deep down in his heart that he would only ever care for the sunflower. 

Finn would hang around the art room whenever she picked up a brush, debating it to herself for several minutes before finally reaching for the easel to lather it in different colors. A smile would crawl onto his lips as he watched her get lost in her art, eyes squinting with focus and her tongue poking out adorably from the corner of her mouth as she made different strokes. There was something entirely beautiful about seeing someone lost within their passion, to know that their entire world faded away once they got immersed in what they loved the most. If Finn could paint, he knew that his heart would choose her again, that his fingers would not allow his brain to think before tracing the shape of her face or finding the perfect shade for her eyes. But he knew that he would get something wrong, not able to properly portray the fullness of her lips that she often nibbled on when nervous, or that he wouldn't do the gentle planes of her cheekbones justice. He could spent his entire life trying to capture her beauty, but he knew that nothing would ever compare to the sunlight caressing her hair. 

But his smile fell, a small stutter erupting from his throat once he noticed what she was working on, the painting making goosebumps spread across her skin. "W-What-"

"Finn!" she snapped with frustration, "I told you to stop watching me!"

"Are you trying to paint me?"

Millie's cheeks flamed. "No."

"Are you sure?" he walked closer, getting a good look at the easel. 

She glared at him. "It isn't you."

Finn's finger came up, a teasing tone taking over as he pointed to different parts of the painting, tilting his head like an art critic. "But it has to be! That's my nose...those are my hair...hey, you even added the small scar under my chin and-"

"Fine!" Millie forced out, arms crossed. "I was painting you."

He laughed. 

"I knew that you would laugh, this is so stupid-"

His hand instantly came to catch her wrist, stopping her quickly as she reached for the paper - determined to tear it into little pieces. He tried to stop laughing as she glared at him, cheeks red with a kind of fire that made him grin, "Hey, hey....I'm not laughing at you."

She raised an eyebrow. 

Finn pressed his lips together. "Okay, I'm sorry. R-Really...I think it's great that you are trying to paint looks really good - I'm serious! But I j-just never expected you to try and paint me...shouldn't you, you know...paint things that you like?"

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