eleven - finally connected

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song - Chemicals (Acoustic) by Dean Lewis

~"Hold me, I'm falling apart
Cause I'm scared and lost in the dark
And this feeling surely can not last
So I took it away, I took it away"~

The bright colors danced around her mind, swirling around in beautiful patterns as she span around. A sharp gasp escaped her lips at the light in the atmosphere, of all of the color that she had missed out on in her years, all of the moments that flew past her. She could not catch her breath, unable to breathe as she scanned the kaleidoscope of colors around her. As she walked forward, she almost felt a presence behind her, guiding her through the new world of light as if they were the one who created it. When she turned her head to the side, she could see him standing beside her, smiling knowingly as his fingers drew patterns in the sky. His hand was steady like a painter, light and color flowing from his stretched fingertips as if he could invent an entire world that could keep them safe. Perhaps if she stayed with him long enough, she could start to draw her own world, a world that would never be in black and white. The features of his face were still blurred, as if she could feel the emotion radiating off his body but not truly see what he looked like. She tilted her head questioningly, smiling at him gently as he continued to show her around the new world. 

"Finn...what is all of this?" the words were hesitant, as if she was waiting to wake up from kind of cruel dream. He simply tugged on her hand and continued to lead her through the world, his lips closed as if not letting anything slip. 

"It's a surprise" the usual softness in his voice was there as he tugged her closer, close enough that she could see the freckles that he had told her about. 

They were dotted all across his face like stars, little dark dots that made his face shine even brighter. Her breath caught at the sight of them, her fingers itching to reach out and touch his skin until they were finally connected. Finn seemed to understand what she wanted with a single look, smiling down at her before gently taking her other hand in his own until they were both pressed against his cheek. She could feel his warmth underneath his fingertips, spreading through her own bones as if he was feeding her energy through their sudden connection. For a moment she was speechless, struggling to understand whether her body was trying to push him away or pull him in further. He was saying nothing, as if he was waiting for her permission first, knowing that he could scare her off. 

"F-Finn..." she stuttered.

His voice was slow and careful. "I want you to look into my eyes...I want you to look at them directly and see me. I don't want you to look, okay? I want you to see."

Her voice turned cold. "You know that I can't d-do that-"


Part of her wanted to snap at him, to push him away like she always did. She wanted to yell at him, to scream that he had no idea how hard it was, that he could never understand what it truly felt like to have such a lack of control. But as she stared into his eyes and saw the hope in them, she couldn't help but start to believe him. His eyes were not one clear color, as if they held all of the light in the universe, all the colors in one. After feeling the hope flow through her own bloodstream, she turned away from him and looked up at the sky that was filled with different shapes, each one like it's own unique rainbow. 

"Why did you do all of this?" she breathed. 

He turned to her with a soft glint in his eyes. "I wanted to show you what you're missing."

Millie's face fell, her eyes searching his for some familiarity. Her eyes settled on his own and suddenly noticed that his features were still blurred, her first clue. When she noticed that his body was drained of color, the only colorless part of the world, a sob tore from her throat. She looked down at his hand in hers and suddenly it didn't feel electric, it felt cold in her own as if he was a lifeless corpse. After sending her a cruel blurry smirk, he let go of her hand and left her all alone, taking all of the color with him. Millie was left alone, blindly searching as he stole the color out of her mind, darkness surrounding her like a cruel surprise. 

All The Colors In One | FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now